Testimony issued by the General Accounting Office with an abstract that begins "Medicare has paid higher than market rates for various medical equipment and supplies and often considerably higher than provider acquisition costs for Medicare-covered outpatient drugs. Congress has enacted a series of legis...
摘要: (a) As total compensation for all services performed in accordance with the terms and conditions of this contract, the Contractor shall be paid according to the fixed unit price listed below for closings conducted by the Contractor
As part of their efforts, CMS's contractors responsible for medical review use automated prepayment controls to deny claims that should not be paid or identify claims that should be reviewed. However, GAO found three shortfalls in these automated prepayment controls that make the Medicare program ...
DynaFlex® is a United States FDA Registered Manufacturing Facility with FDA Clearance for many different devices, four of which have Medicare E0486 Code Verification. WHY US? The Difference With DynaFlex Top-Notch Customer Service DynaFlex has a talented team of people who care. Our territory ...
8%.For products sold anywhere else in the world, any invoice or other outstanding balance not paid within thirty (30) days after the date of the invoice will be subject to a carrying charge of 1 ½% per month, an amount equal to 18% annum or the maximum rate permitted by law, ...