Supplementary information Supplemental Figure Legends Supplemental Table Legends Supplemental Table 1 : Amino acid and base substitutions in the randomly selected 100 transformants . Supplemental Table 2 : Amino acid substitutions in the 29 transformants...
Supplemental Figure Legends Supplementary Figure 1. IRF1 is phosphorylated by GSK3β A. Alignment of the IRF1 GSK3 consensus site with a subset of other known GSK3 substrates, all sequences are human and the location indicated in parenthesi......
Supplemental Tables S1 and S2: Additional information on the species investigated from How do cuticular hydrocarbons evolve? Physiological constraints, as ... M. Florian,B. Bonnie,S. Thomas - 2017 - 被引量: 0 Supplemental Experimental Methods, S...
Supplemental Digital Content This Supplemental Digital Content contains the supplementary figure and supplementary table referred to in the full version of this article, which can be found at © 2009 Adis Data Information BV. All rights reserved 3 Supplementary ...
3 Supplemental Text Probiotic activity in skin microbiome Huang CM 03/13/2013 Supplementary Figure S3. The MBC assays of SCFAs against P. acnes. (a) P. acnes (108 CFU/ml) was incubated with acetic acid, butyric acid, or lactic acid (5-25 mM in PBS) in media on a 96-well ...
Figure 1. Timeline of activities during each study phase. 1Dietary intervention consisted of a controlled, isocaloric diet with 0.9 g protein· kg body weight−1· d−1 plus placebo beverage (PLA) or NUT. 2NUT only, to assess micronutrient status before and after the nutrition intervention...
Only data from single species release treatments are showed in figure. Full size image A negative effect of IGP was observed on T. pyri persistence rate, while a positive effect was observed for domatia and GPM (Table 3, Fig. 4). A significant interaction between GPM and domatia was observe...
B1 31% 9 3W4R 584579550 Ostrinia furnacalis chitinase 30% 10 4DWS GI:453055980 Yersinia entomophaga chitinase 1 28% 3 Supplemental Figure Captions FIG S1 Schematic illustration of recombinant plasmid construction and the amino acid sites of the Chi9602 variants subjected to site-directed mutagenesis...
.Thisfigureshows thatnoscrambledtargetwascutbytheDNAzymeandonlythetargetstrandwascutbythe DNAzyme. ElectronicSupplementaryMaterial(ESI)forNanoscale Thisjournalis©TheRoyalSocietyofChemistry2013 FigureS5:E6Side1vs.Side2.Four-wayjunctionswithE6-typeDNAzymesannealedintoboth sides(black),side1(red),orside2(...
Figure 1. Screening, Randomization, and Follow-up of the Participants. 图1. 参与者的筛选、随机化和随访。 In this ancillary study, we examined the effects of supplemental vitamin D3 as compared with placebo on incident fractures in 25,871 U.S. men (age, ≥50 years) and women (age, ≥...