"enoexec supervisor: child process was not spawned" 是一个在使用 Supervisor(一个进程管理工具)时可能遇到的错误。这个错误表明 Supervisor 尝试启动一个子进程,但未能成功。这通常是因为 Supervisor 无法执行指定的程序或脚本。 2. 常见原因 可执行文件不存在或路径错误:指定的程序或脚本的路径不正确,或者该文件不...
ubuntu中supervisor的报错child process was not spawned 一、问题描述 ubuntu18.04安装supervisor。按照步骤装完,能看的到管理网页。但是一直启动不起来。 查看日志显示: supervisor: couldn't chdir to /.../: ENOENT supervisor:child process was not spawned 二、解决办法 从新写了一下 进程配置文件。进程配置文件...
supervisor: couldn't chdir to /public/dotnetcore/demoapiproject/: ENOENT supervisor: child process was not spawned 这是因为原先存放程序的路径问题,supervisor无法读取到该程序,所以切换到home路径,未出现这个问题;(自己这么解决的...) Error: Another program is already listening on a port that one of o...
supervisor:couldn'tsetuid to0:Can'tdrop privilegeasnonroot user supervisor:child process was not spawned 原因是在启动supervisord时的用户不是当前启动进程的用户 解决办法 //用root启动supervisordsudo supervisord-c/etc/supervisor/supervisord.conf//再用root启动子进程sudo supervisorctl start echo_time image....
3.0 docs supervisor medusa scripts skel tests ui __init__.py childutils.py confecho.py datatypes.py dispatchers.py events.py http.py http_client.py loggers.py options.py pidproxy.py process.py rpcinterface.py socket_manager.py states.py ...
processes on queues takes based on their duration. This can be accomplished by configuring a supervisor with two queue names:--queue=longprocessand--queue=lightprocess. Then, in the program, the job can be dispatched to the relevant queue, ensuring that lengthy processes do not impede sh...
可是这种做法毕竟不是长久之计,机器重启或者不小心 kill 了某个进程,后台运行的这个进程可能就不小心死掉了。 后来开源界的大牛建议我用 supervisor。尝试之后,简直是如获至宝。作为一个存在了长达 10 年多的进程管理软件,他已经相当成熟。到如今我用这个软件已经超过 1 年了,希望借这篇文章给大家普及下这个超赞的...
start,则会有如下报错信息。 Failed to start supervisord.service: Unit supervisord.service not found...
The error message unix:///var/run/supervisor.sock no such file was not helpful. After a while I found out that in one of my config files stdout_logfile and stderr_logfile were pointing to a directory that didn't exist. I created the directory. Supervisor started working. I'm quite sad...
supervisor: couldn't setuid to 65534: Can't drop privilege as nonroot usersupervisor: child process was not spawned 还是说权限问题, 解决方案: 目前是通过root运行解决的,有更好办法的小伙伴可以和大家一起交流交流 4.supervisorctl: error: <class 'socket.error'>, [Errno 101] Network is unreachable...