Get the perfect lip look with our Super Stay Matte Ink Liquid Lipstick! Our flawless matte finish lasts up to 16 hours and comes in a range of unique shades.
Perfectly Matte: Achieving a flawless, color-intense matte finish is just a swipe away with Maybelline Super Stay Matte Ink liquid matte lipstick. Get up to 16 hours of long lasting wear with Super Stay Iconic Longwear Formula: The long lasting lipstick formula of this highly pigmented liquid...
Happy Birthday to Maybelline Superstay Matte Ink! Mark来祝美宝莲 Superstay 唇釉生日快乐啦!颜色持久且不粘口罩的唇釉,最特别的是因为这个系列是生日限定版。 可爱的图案包装加上纸杯蛋糕香味的唇釉,甜美丝滑。Mark喜欢的色号是390哦~轻轻涂抹上,别忘了赶紧买来炫耀一下吧~价格249泰铢,可以在所有美宝莲专柜购买...
美宝莲接吻棒城市版液体唇膏为您打造无瑕哑光妆效,色号丰富,持妆长达16小时。 美宝莲接吻棒城市版唇膏系列,灵感来自纽约生活风尚。唇膏色彩浓郁,采用独特的箭头尖端,可精准勾勒唇形。长达16小时的液态哑光妆效,打造焕彩双唇。多种色号可供选择,包括饱和红色、焦赭色、蓝色和赤陶色。 步骤1. 沿嘴唇轮廓在上唇...
美国亚马逊 Maybelline SuperStay Matte Ink Liquid Lipstick, Voyager, 0.17 fl. oz.: Beauty历史价格和网友评论,海淘商品名Maybelline SuperStay Matte Ink Liquid Lipstick, Voyager, 0.17 fl. oz.: Beauty
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