【纪录片|超级顾客 Supershoppers 2016】产品的本质真的像广告宣传所说的那样吗?连锁店的产品价格是一样的吗?大牌产品和不知名的品牌之间有着巨大的价格差异,但是,品质也是相差如此之大吗?性价比呢?……本片从“性价比”角度出发评测同类不同价位的商品卖场处处智商税,如何做一个精明的消费者,这部纪录片让你识别消...
Supershoppers: With Anna Richardson, Sabrina Grant, Andi Osho, Kate Quilton. Anna Richardson and Andi Osho (and later Sabrina Grant) present a new consumer advice show exposing the hidden secrets of the big brands.
super shoppers在b站看的 ( 1)1.budget Aldi奥乐齐,Mountain Ware House (MW)的防水服最好,the Northface北面 2.麸质gluten 3.VS沙宣吹风机,露华浓吹风机。离子吹风机吹完就没有用了,功能也就是吹干头发。 4.不同的网站,飞机票价格不同。亿客行网站 ( 2)5.肥皂和沐浴露。两个干净程度差不多。 抗菌洗手液...
Super-Shoppers -- All Wrapped UpJournal Record, the
我们往往被商家忽悠却从不自知,值得注意。 理财型的《超级顾客Super shoppers》纪录片,看后收获颇多。 印象深刻的还是洗手液和肥皂,肥皂比洗手液更实惠,个人家庭建议肥皂,公共场合建议洗手液,商家一再的让消费者感觉洗手液更安全更卫生,其实他们效果差不多,只是一瓶几十块钱的洗手液能用几百次,而几块钱的肥皂...
在这一点上,我们可以将经验迁移到其他消费领域,避免落入商家的营销陷阱。总之,通过《超级顾客Super shoppers》这部纪录片的学习,我们可以提高自己的消费意识,识破商家的陷阱,更加明智地管理自己的财务,让自己的钱袋子更加充实。让我们在日常生活中,保持警惕,做出理性的消费决策。
S2.E7 ∙ Special: Supershoppers Do Christmas Mon, Dec 12, 2016 Andi and Anna present a special festive edition offering money saving advice on everything from food to gifts. They compare luxury and bargain-basement toiletries, compare wines and supermarket platters. ...
Super shoppers may eat Costco's free samples, but they don't feel obligated to buy the products, which typically aren't great deals and will just crowd yourfreezer. They Don’t Turn Their Noses Up at the Store’s Signature Brand
Supershoppers (2016) 剧集 6.2(31) 国家/地区:英国 类型:纪录片 上映日期:2016-02-01 导演:N/A 编剧:N/A 语言:English 演员:Alexandra Hummingson 片长:0 分钟 奖项:1 win 又名:Supershoppers , Supershoppers (英国) 剧情简介:Anna Richardson and Andi Osho (and later Sabrina Grant) present a new...
Welcome to Shoppers Super Market, your one-stop shop for all your grocery needs! Our app brings the convenience of shopping from the comfort of your home, with a wide variety of fresh produce, household essentials, and exclusive deals. ...