{ "configuration_method": "sqlalchemy_form", "database_name": "Test DB", "engine": "trino", "expose_in_sqllab": true, "extra": "{\"allows_virtual_table_explore\":true}", "sqlalchemy_uri": "trino_connection_string" } Get error Screenshots/recordings Error message: { "errors": [...
Apache Superset is a Data Visualization and Data Exploration Platform - Unable to create database connection, error: "GENERIC_DB_ENGINE_ERROR" · apache/superset@b84e525
#21171 fix: improve get_db_engine_spec_for_backend (@betodealmeida) #21066 fix(Trino): create PrestoBaseEngineSpec base class to share common code between Trino and Presto (@dungdm93) #21226 fix: Fixes error caused by step id placed in wrong location (@eric-briscoe) #21208 fix(embe...
WSGI,即 PythonWebServerGatewayInterface,是专门用于 Python 应用程序或框架与 Web 服务器之间的一种接口,没有官方的实现,因为 WSGI 更像一个协议,只要遵照这些协议,WSGI 应用都可以在 任何服务器上运行,反之亦然 Pre-Fork 一个进程处理一个请求,基于 select 模型,所以最多一次创建 1024 个进程 预先创建进程,pre...
I will say that you need make sure your cluster is a VPC Native cluster so your cluster can connect to your DB using the private IP. Local environment You need to install the Google Cloud SDK on your local computer if you haven't already. Then authenticate with your GKE ...
superset_user_name至少提供一个'db_configs': [ # 数据库配置{"db_type" : ,"db_name" : ,"db_host" : ,"db_port" : ,"db_username" : ,"db_password" :},{...},...]}:return:{'status' : '', # True/False'message' : '', # 描述}"""result={'status':'','message':'',}...
SupersetErrorType.GENERIC_DB_ENGINE_ERROR, "The query record was not created as expected", ex, "Please contact an administrator for further assistance or try again.", ) from ex def _validate_access(self, query: Query) -> None: try: ...