In mathematics, it is common to use as part of the language notation small symbols written at the top or bottom of a given symbol. These are called subscript and superscript, respectively. In this short tutorial, we will learn how to do subscript and superscript in LaTeX! Superscript in ...
Latex角标(subscript/superscript) Latex角标,包括一个字符的左上,左下,右上,右下位置,具体有多重实现方式,分别适用不同情况 代码语言:javascript 复制 \documentclass[UTF8]{ctexart}\usepackage{mathtools}\usepackage{amsmath}\usepackage{mhchem}\usepackage{tensor}\begin{document}%For general math scripts bef...
简介:Latex角标,包括一个字符的左上,左下,右上,右下位置,具体有多重实现方式,分别适用不同情况\documentclass[UTF8]{ctexart}\usepackage{mathtools}\usepack... Latex角标,包括一个字符的左上,左下,右上,右下位置,具体有多重实现方式,分别适用不同情况 \documentclass[UTF8]{ctexart} \usepackage{mathtools...
variable names should be able to have both subscript and superscript. it is easily done with e.g. latex math mode formatting: CMCE is then written as C_{MC}^{E} by kaspermalfroid April 18, 2013 possibly with greek letters V_{\gamma} by fratealberto May 08, 2013 +1 on this ...
Description When checking, one gets following integrity check error: TTEM03: Math superscript (^) and subscript (_) characters are not allowed in text mo...
Superscripts and accents A question ontex.stackexchangecontainsa surprising example of the doublesubscripterrorwhose underlying cause, and solution, also applies to double superscripts. The following example fails to compile, even though braces are used: ...
Chemical Interactions between Nano-ZnO and Nano-TiO[subscript 2] in a Natural Aqueous Medium The use of diverse engineered nanomaterials (ENMs) potentially leads to the release of multiple ENMs into the environment. However, previous efforts to und... T Tong,K Fang,SA Thomas,... - 《Environm...