Characterization of Asphalt Binder Modified with Polystyrene using Superpave SpecificationAsphalt cementPolystyreneAsphalt cement modifierRoad constructionWaste material disposalEnvironmental problems have been counted as a critical topic in the construction. The issue of throwing away waste materials is considered...
2) Superpave asphalt performance specification Superpave胶结料性能规范 3) Binder specifications 结合料规范 4) Superpave mixture Superpave混合料 1. Effects of gyration compaction number on design and performance ofSuperpave mixture 旋转压实次数对Superpave混合料设计和性能的影响 ...
2Superpave设计方法Superpave是SHRP的沥青研究局部的最终系列成果的代称,是以下几个单词的首字母缩写:SuperiorPerformingAsphaltPavements2.1关于Superpave沥青性能分级标准-PGasphaltbinderspecification基于体积特性的沥青混合料设计分析体系混合料测试方法和性能预估模型主要包括: ...
asphalt and aggregate properties Thermal Cracking Courtesy of FHWA Superpave Asphalt Binder Specification The grading system is based on Climate PG 64 - 22 Performance Grade Average 7-day max pavement temperature Min pavement temperature Pavement Temperatures are Calculated Calculated by Superpave software ...
A specification criterion for eta' was determined. According to the new criterion, the temperature at which the eta' has a value of 220 Pa-s for rolling thin film oven-aged asphalt binders is the high-performance grade (PG grade) temperature that may reasonably replace the curre...
Asphalt binder Performance grade Superpave Reliability analysis North Korea 1. Introduction 1.1. Background Based on United Nations estimates, it is reported that a population and total land area of North Korea (N.K.) is 25,593,051, equivalent to 0.34% of the total world population, and 120...
phahBinderSpecification Testing.SP1,AsphaltInstl tute,2001 4 LTPPBindsoftware.Pavement Performance Divl sion.FHWA (下转第64页) 64 石油沥青 2003年第17卷 量试验数据初步的汇总分析,发现:a)三种路面 结构空隙率和间隙率(VMA)均有良好的相关性,
适用于重交通量,以混合料体积设计为基础,附加的SST和IDT试验是在一个较宽温度变化范围内进行试验。由于包含了更广泛的试验范围和结果,可提供更可靠的性能预测水平 水平3 Superpave 沥青性能分级标准(PGasphaltbinderspecification)1 沥青混合料体积设计方法 2 沥青混合料测试方法和性能预估模型 ...
性 能 分 级(PG) 沥青等级确定 确定7天最高路面温度平均值的n年数据的中值和标准差;从路表以下20cm处测得(n20); 确定1天路表极端最低气温的n年数据的中值和标准差(n20); 计算路面设计高温和设计低温 确定满足高低温要求的最低PG分级; 根据交通条件(交通量,车速)调整设计高温; 根据有无添加再生材料调整设计...