Asphalt binderPG gradingPenetrationDSRBBRPerformancePremature rutting due to high temperatures and heavy loads has been a major distress on flexible pavements in Pakistan. One of the main causes of this early rutting is the available asphalt binders, which are still graded by using penetration grading...
适用于重交通量,以混合料体积设计为基础,附加的SST和IDT试验是在一个较宽温度变化范围内进行试验。由于包含了更广泛的试验范围和结果,可提供更可靠的性能预测水平 水平3 Superpave 沥青性能分级标准(PGasphaltbinderspecification)1 沥青混合料体积设计方法 2 沥青混合料测试方法和性能预估模型 ...
Tests were performed on the unmodified and modified binder in accordance to the "SUPERPAVE(TM) Performance Grade Binder Specification." The Bending Beam Rheometer was used to evaluate the low-temperature properties of the modified and unmodified asphalt binder.;The results obtained are inconclusive to...
4)Superpave asphalt mixture designSuperpave沥青混合料设计 5)design system of Superpave mixtures Superpave混合料设计体系 6)Superpave binder specificationSuperpave结合料规范 ZHK系列真空进料快速混合机 工作原理 本机采用真空的方式加料,容器不断旋转,物料在内部得以混合完全。本机按GMP要求设计,安全、高效。应用范围...
Progress of Superpave (Superior Performing Asphalt Pavement): Evaluation and Implementation Because of deficiencies in the current system for specifying asphalts, the Superpave binder specification was developed utilizing a new set of test equipment... RN Jester - ASTM 被引量: 8发表: 1997年 Evaluatio...
并测定热拌沥青混合料(HMA)试件的密度 T 320, 用Superpave 剪切试验机(SST)测定沥青混合料的永久剪切应变和劲度 T 322, 用间接拉伸试验设备测定热拌沥青混合料的蠕变柔量和强度 沥青协会标准: SP-2, Superpave 混合料设计 * This figure summarizes the testing required for the PG asphalt binder specification...
(%) GTM 方法 马歇尔方法 技术指标 AC-13沥青混合料设计结果 2 Superpave设计方法 Superpave是SHRP的沥青研究部分的最终系列成果的代称,是以下几个单词的首字母缩写: Superior Performing Asphalt Pavements 2.1 关于Superpave 沥青性能分级标准-PG asphalt binder specification 基于体积特性的沥青混合料设计分析体系 混合...
The results indicated that the simplifying assumptions in the current Superpave specification (AASHTO MP1, "Standard Specifications for Performance Graded Asphalt Binder") limit its applicability to the majority of the modified binders tested. Moreover, the results indicated that many modified binders ...