In closing i would like to say two things about this movie (1) This film is voted one of the worst films of all time because we have a watered down version that makes no sense in places.(2)Warner brothers or cannon whoever has the rights to the full uncut version do the decent ...
In retrospect, Superman was headlining a rather bright, campy movie when you look at his 2006 flick next to this year’s grimdark Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice. Superman Returns opened in theaters 10 years ago today. It didn’t manage to reboot the long-stagnant Superman property ...
Performance wise, Kiron Kher not only suits her role perfectly but she also performs with her full spirit along with being a bit over the top at times. Yet, she clearly comes out to be a lovable worried mother, if considered alone, keeping the movie project aside. Kanwaljeet as her ...
Captions and subtitles English . If you are NOT a super-fan of the original Superman movie, .. Justice League 2017 English Full Movie Torrent Download: . language is English Subtitle . Fueled by his restored faith in humanity and inspired by the superman . ...
While Superman IV was a priority for Cannon, the movie beset with production difficulties from day one with the promised $36 million budget slashed to $17 million, which lead to downscaling in the special effects and locations with noticeable results. As a company, Cannon had often kept ...
This is easily the worst of the SUPERMAN movies, and it was doomed to fail right from the start. Cut from its original 134-minute version, it is full of plot holes resulting in a movie with some scenes that just don't make any sense, but even with the extra 45 minutes intact, the...