Introduction (from Wikipedia) Batman is a fictional superhero who appears in American comic books published by DC Comics, as well as its associated media. Superman is a fictional superhero appearing in American comic books published by DC Comics, as well as its associated media. Superman is wid...
SupermanatWikipedia Members of theJustice League Founding Members: Batman•Flash•Green Lantern•Hawkgirl•Martian Manhunter•Superman•Wonder Woman Expanded League: Aquaman•Atom•Atom-Smasher•Aztek•B'wana Beast•Black Canary•Blue Devil•Booster Gold•Captain Atom•Captain Marvel...
From Wikipedia: Adventures of Superman is an American television series based on comic book characters and concepts created in 1938 by Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster. The show is the first television series to feature Superman and began filming in 1951 in California. Sponsored by cereal manufacturer...
We generate our label candidate set from the top-ranking topic terms, titles of Wikipedia articles containing the top-ranking topic terms, and sub-phras... JH Lau,K Grieser,D Newman,... - Association for Computational Linguistics 被引量: 186发表: 2011年 Structural organization of the human ...
humans. (That would make its relationship to humans seem a mite more plausible.) One thought is that it buried its dead, but the researcher ignored several important facts that give lie to this idea. Another suggestion is that it made tools. Apparently H. naledi had an artistic bent ...
are in order if you want to figure out when the hell this all takes place…especially if you’ve got thirty years of (in- and extra-universe) continuity rattling around your head and can summarize it all in a thousand words or less, only needing Wikipedia to double-check publication ...
Quick Wikipedia search confirms all these are comic book related and the powers are actually pretty accurate (though I'm not positive which version of Red K that's supposed to be). I'm looking very much forward to Green K!Posted by: mbZero on 9/27/2011 11:35:47 AM woah!, I do ...
《奇异冒险StrangeAdventures》原作创刊号早至1950年,而DC英雄死人/Deadman首次出场就是在《奇异冒险》。 超人/海王冒险时刻 The Superman/Aquaman Hour of Adventure 分类:动作片电影,动画片电影,家庭片电影 ...
LASER-wikipedia2 The other top 50 box office hits that earned nominations were Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest (1st), Cars (2nd), Superman Returns (6th) and Happy Feet (8th). 另外4部获提名的电影分别是《加勒比海盗2:聚魂棺》(冠军)、《赛车总动员》(亚军)、《超人归来》(第6...
Great Smoky Mountains image credit: Wikipedia / Terrill White People who like autumn "color tours" may want to take a drive and visit the national park . You may even want to visit the highest point of the Smokies and the Appalachian Trail, a mountain called Klingon Dome. "That's ...