After Superman manages to rescue the Kryptonian bottled city of Kandor from Brainiac, Kara is reunited with her parents. However that reunion becomes bittersweet, as Reactron kills her father, and her mother dies when New Krypton is destroyed by a trap in Reactron left by Lex Luthor. Kara cu...
"perfect" world, until Firestorm blocks his efforts. Conner, Nightwing, and Wonder Girl release the Tower's prisoners. Fighting each other, Conner and Superboy-Prime collide with the tower, destroying it. The multiple Earths recombine into a "New Earth" as Conner dies in Wonder Girl's arms....
Eruptions blast from Kryptons surface, and with a final cataclysmic explosion that rocks the heavens, Krypton sadly dies again. Back in the fortress, the plant finally releases itself from Superman and promptly attaches itself to Batman giving him the dream that his father's fighting back and ...
Away from his suit, Conduit is taken to a nearby rooftop and dies. Looking at the wreckage he caused, Clark takes Kenny's body back to Smallville. Later on, Clark presides over Kenny's funeral, with Kenny being buried next to his mother and father. In Metropolis, Conduit's identity ...
Despite the best efforts of not-quite-superfriends Batman, Wonder Woman, and Superman (Henry Cavill), Superman dies felling the beast in the final act of “Batman v Superman.” The heroes of the nascent Justice League revive him to help stop a coming invasion in the follow-up film. ...
The soundtrack title for the DCEU Superman vs Bayverse Optimus segment would be“Polarizing Powerhouses”,because of their positions in movies thatsplitpeople over if they’re good or not as the most powerful. The soundtrack title for the Thought Robot vs Alternity Optimus segment would be“...
Despite the best efforts of not-quite-superfriends Batman, Wonder Woman, and Superman (Henry Cavill), Superman dies felling the beast in the final act of “Batman v Superman.” The heroes of the nascent Justice League revive him to help stop a coming invasion in the follow-up film. ...
Joe Letteri (I) Hollywood Stunned By Jon Landau Death, Salute His Vision, Kindness And Monumental Achievements 7/7/2024 by Bruce Haring Deadline Film + TV Jon Landau, Oscar-Winning ‘Titanic’ and ‘Avatar’ Producer, Dies at 63 7/7/2024 ...
While Justice League‘s $96 million weekend Us debut may have fallen a little below Warner Bros' wishes, it did still prove there's commercial mileage in the series. Further, it re-established Henry Cavill as Superman on the big screen. Given that there had been reports of a possible ...
She apparently dies on the operating table, but her body is later encased in a cocoon by black insect-like creatures, which then starts to crack open. The hospital is soon engulfed by a gigantic cocoon-like structure, and a number of workers as well as the Science Police and the Guardian...