It was in publication from 1939 to 1986, ending at issue #423. The series was retitled Adventures of Superman (Volume 1) starting with issue #424 in 1987. Superman (Volume 2) also began in 1987 with issue #1. In 2006, a restructuring of the entire DC Comics line saw Superman ...
Publishers:DC Comics Artists:Patrick Gleason Status:completed Latest chapter:Issue #45 Updated at:Apr 18, 2018 Summary: The Last Son of Krypton must decide whether to help his young son use his new and rapidly increasing abilities, or hide them from the world. ...
Hero up every month with these 2025 DC Comics Calendars! […] Superman Beanies Make sure your head is stylishly covered while flying to your Fortress of Solitude with the help of these Superman Beanies. […] 1 2 3Log In Please log into the site.Don't have an account? Register Usern...
Superman is lounging in his apartment when a holographic face shows up in the middle of his living room. The intruder identifies himself as Mongul, transmitting his message from his starship via scrambled signal, and he wants Superman to retrieve a speci
Read Superman (2023-) #1 on DC UNIVERSE INFINITE, the ultimate destination to read DC Comics online | IT’S THE DAWN OF DC! Superman has returned to...
Based on Superman: The Animated Series. Lex Luthor has trapped Superman's friends Lois, Professor Hamilton, and Jimmy Olsen in a "virtual world," and you, as Superman, must enter it to rescue them. Also populating this realm are the villains Brainiac, Da
SUPERMAN (2018) #3 AVAILABLE NOW SUPERMAN #2 AVAILABLE NOW SUPERMAN #1 DC COMICS NEWS & FEATURES DC Spotlight Modern Day Myths: Jack Kirby’s Fourth World Influences Ask...the Question How Long Have Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy Been a Couple?
Kryptonian Cybernet Archive- The Kryptonian Cybernet e-zine ran for a total of 70 issues from May 1994 to February 2000. The complete 70 issue run has now been archived here at the Superman Homepage. Did You Know? "Mxyzptlk" is an actual command in C++ programming language ...
Alan Giroux, co-owner and founder of AABC is the heart and soul of All About Books and Comics! Alan is the master of acquiring our massive back issue inventory (over one million comics in stock). With 40 years of comic retailing Alan's expertise in back issue comics is unmatched. Ala...
First Issue #1 - September 1939 Last #423 - September 1986 Continued in Adventures of Superman (1987 series) This is the original Superman comic book series. When somone says, 'Superman comics,' this is what they mean. The series ran from 1939 until 1986 when DC revamped its entire ...