Superman & Lois: Created by Greg Berlanti, Todd Helbing. With Tyler Hoechlin, Elizabeth Tulloch, Alex Garfin, Inde Navarrette. The world's most famous superhero and comic books' most famous journalist face the pressures and complexities that come with ba
Superman II: Directed by Richard Lester, Richard Donner. With Gene Hackman, Christopher Reeve, Ned Beatty, Jackie Cooper. Superman agrees to sacrifice his powers to start a relationship with Lois Lane, unaware that three Kryptonian criminals he inadverte
Superman Lois《超人和露易斯(2021)》第三季第十二集完整中英文对照剧本.docx,《超人与露易丝》前情提要... Previously on Superman and Lois... - 你是超人 - 请把我刚告诉你的 - Youre Superman. - Keep everything - 所有事都保密 - 好 没问题 - I just told you a se
Superman Lois《超人和露易斯(2021)》第三季第十一集完整中英文对照剧本.docx,《超人与露易丝》 前情提要... Previously on Superman and Lois... 我从第一天起就知道双侧乳hearts;房hearts;hearts;切除手术了 Ive known about the double mastectomy since day one. 感
要发自内心要表现出来 You have to mean it and you have to show it. 请给我一个机会证明我有多爱你 Please give me a chance to prove how much I love you. 我不知道露易丝 I dont know, Lois. 你不能说几句话 You cant just say some words 就期待事情会不一样 and expect things to be ...
June 13, 1977– Director Richard Donner films the Daily Planet offices scenes for the Lois Lane and Jimmy Olsen introduction and Clark Kent’s first day on the job in SUPERMAN THE MOVIE, and Lois discovering Clark is Superman by drawing on a newspaper for SUPERMAN II’s intended opening ...
Also ranks #11 on 13 Times Actors Got Cast As Superheroes And Audiences Said No Thanks 1,982 votes Best Man of Steel? Photo: Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman ABC 8 Dean Cain Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman (1993-1997) Age: 54 (b. 1966) Birthplace: Mount...
文档分类: 文学/艺术/军事/历史--电影、电视艺术 文档标签: 中英文对照 系统标签: 超人露易斯supermanlois中英文剧本 我知道你很紧张 Iknowyou'renervous, 但一切都会好起来的 buteverything'sgonnabeokay. 你只需要勇敢点 Youjusthavetobebrave. 抱歉久等了 Sorryforthewait. 现在我们来进行遗嘱中最重要的一项 ...
Also ranks #11 on 13 Times Actors Got Cast As Superheroes And Audiences Said No Thanks 1,984 votes Best Man of Steel? Photo: Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman ABC 8 Dean Cain Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman (1993-1997) Age: 54 (b. 1966) Birthplace: Mount...
Hewantstodestroymylifeandeverybodyinit. 我们得做点什么-我们什么都做不了亲爱的 Wehavetodosomething.-Wecant,honey. 我能 lcan. 乔丹你离他远点 Jordan,youstayawayfromhim. 露易丝·莱恩带着那个孩子出现了 LoisLaneshowedupwiththatkid 人们管那个孩子叫超级小子 peoplebeencallingSuperboy. 他有超能力? Hesgot...