The actor will lead 'The Daily Planet' as boss to Clark Kent and Lois Lane. Reactions: TravisR and Joe Wong Mar 1, 2024 #158 of 438 Tino Taken For Ballast Premium Senior HTF Member Joined Apr 19, 1999 Messages 24,487 Location Metro NYC Real Name Valentin...
He is mistaken for a bill collector and eventually makes his way to the Planet office, where Lois and Perry debate the merits of a story. Perry cites the fact that going after Luthor has nearly killed the Planet, and Lois fights back with the nobility of idealism. Perry introduces Lois ...
Get our free mobile app Everyone was hoping to catch a glimpse of Amy Adams (Lois Lane) or Ben Affleck (Bruce Wayne/Batman), but I was on the hunt for a glimpse of Henry Cavill (Clark Kent/Superman). So I devised a plan...