The most obvious case of superlinear returns is when you’re working on something that grows exponentially. For example, growing bacterial cultures. When they grow at all, they grow exponentially. But they’re tricky to grow. Which means the difference in outcome between someone who’s adept at...
The prospect of superlinear returns for performance is an exciting one for the ambitious. And there’s good news in this department: this territory is expanding in both directions. There are more types of work in which you can get superlinear returns, and the returns themselves are growing. 对...
原文:Superlinear Returns 保罗·格雷厄姆是Y Combinator(YC)的创始人之一,他对硅谷的创业文化有着深远的影响。他与山姆·阿尔特曼共同推动了YC成为顶级的创业加速器。保罗·格雷厄姆的文章探讨了超线性回报的概念及其在商业和其他领域的普遍存在。 这篇文章给很多启发,希望能帮助到你。 持续学习 不断学习新知识和技能...
超线性回报 Superlinear Returns 当我还是个孩子的时候,我没能理解世界上最重要的一个事实:绩效带来的回报通常是超线性的。 教师和教练总是给我们灌输一种思想:回报与付出是成正比的。他们说,“你得到的和你付出的一样多。”他们是出于好意,但实际情况往往并非如此。如果你的产品质量只有竞争对手的一半,你不会仅仅...
整理自 | Superlinear Returns,神译局 作者:PaulGraham预计阅读时间:15分钟 导读:这个世界的发展是非线性的,回报也是超线性的。无论是知识、投资、名誉、权力、还是金钱的回报,都不是“种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆”,而是存在非线性或超线性的现象,有的甚至出现赢家通吃的现象。我们该如何认识超线性回报,并该如何利用超线性...
Itmay seem as if there are a lot of different situations with superlinear returns, but as far as I can tell they reduce to two fundamental causes: exponential growth and thresholds. The most obvious case of superlinear returns is when you're working on something that grows exponentially. For...