Superlatives for very young learners to go with the comparatives: Kids look at the images and write who says the statements (I´m the tallest of the three of us...). Then they complete the table with the adjectives and the...
English worksheet 352023-12 2 Comparatives and Superlatives 232023-12 3 Born to Be Free 2 times 182023-12 4 Weekly exercise week 13 272023-11 5 Weekly exercise 502023-11 6 English read 352023-11 7 Grade 4 WEX of week 11(2rd) 392023-11 8 Grade4 WEX of week 11 252023-11 9 Worksheet ...
Comparatives - form We make the comparative with: comparative adjective + "than" or "not as" + base adjective + "as". If we use "as" + adjective + "as" in the positive, it means the two things are the same: Anna is as happy as Sue. I speak English as well as you. ...