Supplies a combination of infrared and visible spectrum images of superior quality and temperature measurement accuracy – plus contrast optimizer, laser pointer, [...] 提供质量绝佳、测温精确的红外 和可见光谱图像组合——另配有对 比度优 化器 、激光指示器、语音注释及一系列其他高级功能...
points of interest. There are lot of parking spots for rental cars. The atmosphere around the courtyard table is very congenial in the evenings and you could meet many interesting people from various countries; always a welcome change from sitting in a sterile hotel room ...
While in Oceanside last week, we had lunch at a 50’s style restaurant known for its shakes and hamburgers. Since having a milkshake is still rare, I ordered one for old-times sake — it was very tasty! Knowing my having a milkshake is so not me, Joy and Jeri insisted on getting a...
The writer wanted to know where I got the supplies. The concrete pieces were made in Mexico, but it has now been eight years since the project, so I no longer have specific information. The inquiry brought back memories of this work of love. ...