Superior pericardial recess is typically incidentallyfound on chest CT imaging. It may simulate a hypodense lymphadenopathy or acystic mass. The superior pericardial recess is an anatomical entity that bothradiologists and respiratory physicians should know.Mehmet ATALAR...
1)anterosuperior pericardial recess心包前上隐窝 1.A-P(anteroposterior) dimensions ofanterosuperior pericardial recesswas compared between the pulmonary embolism group(38 cases) and the control group(45 cases) by the spiral CT .目的:运用多层螺旋CT分析肺动脉栓塞患者心包前上隐窝的扩张情况,探讨其与肺动...
High-located Superior Pericardial Recess: Analysis of 64-slice Spiral CT Features实用放射学杂志张士良武警浙江总队杭州医院放射科张梅花武警浙江总队杭州医院放射科张联合武警浙江总队杭州医院放射科
The high‐riding superior pericardial recess is an anatomical entity both radiologists and respiratory physicians should be aware of. Recognition that this high‐riding portion of the recess is of water attenuation, that it connects to the inferior portion of the superior pericardial recess, and that...