"Luftmensch," literally meaning "air person," is the Yiddish way of describing someone who is a bit of a dreamer. Did You Know? The word "infant" comes from the Latin word "infans" which literally means "unable to speak; speechless." ...
[Middle Englisharterie, from Latinartēria, from Greekartēriā,windpipe, artery; seewer-inIndo-European roots.] Word History:The changed meaning of the wordarteryprovides a glimpse into the history of medical science. The word is derived from the ancient Greekartēriā,a word originally applied t...
The superior vena cava (SVC, also known as the cava or cva) is a short, but large diameter vein located in the anterior right superior mediastinum. Its latin name is related to its large pipe appearance in cadavers, 'cava' meaning 'hollow'. The superior vena cava is very important for ...
2.THE MEANING OF IMAGE DIAGNOSIS FOR UPPER MESENTERIC VEIN EMBOLISM肠系膜上静脉栓塞的影像学诊断意义 3.An Experimental Study on Hepatic CT Perfusion of the Superior Mesenteric Vein and the Splenic Vein before and after Hepatic Fibrosis;肝纤维化前后肠系膜上静脉与脾静脉对肝脏CT灌注的实验研究 4.Superior...
Fig. 1.Identification of the sulci surrounding the Wernicke's area in extant chimpanzee (EC) brains. Blue: Sylvian fissure; green: intraparietal sulcus; red: post-central sulcus; white: superior temporal sulcus. For abbreviations' meaning seeSection 2. ...
Surface Anatomy of the Brain Paul D. Griffiths PhD, FRCR, ... Michael Reeves FRCR, in Atlas of Fetal and Postnatal Brain MR, 2010 Superior and Inferior Frontal Sulci The lateral surface of the frontal lobe is indented by two sulci running in a broadly horizontal fashion, the superior and...
early evidence from Positron Emission Tomography had already suggested that Broca’s area is primed byanyphonological differences subtending semantic representations, and not by the processing of meaningper se51. Moreover, Heim and collaborators do not report additional activations in IFGpTri for seman...
They have a warm and cozy feel, and they take on a special meaning for us, for example, when a grandmother makes a quilt celebrating a special occasion such as a wedding or a birth. It is also no accident that a great deal of awareness and empathy was deservingly created for people ...
complete absence and segmental posterior atrophy is involved in patients with SO palsy, showing a heterogenity of changes which occur but provide the same muscle phenotype response, meaning there are likely to be multiple mechanisms involved.7In the current study, the MRI indicated that the contrac...
Department of Anatomy, Nippon Medical School, Tokyo 113, JapanJohn Wiley & Sons, LtdJournal of Comparative NeurologyYamada J, Shirao K, Kitamura T, and Sato H. Trajectory of spinocerebellar fibers passing through the inferior and superior cerebellar peduncles in the rat spinal cord: a study ...