doi:10.1007/BF01798984I. CaplanPadilla 664-7°ASpringer-VerlagAnatomia ClinicaCaplan I (1983) Lymph drainage of the superior lobe of the left lung. Anat Clin 5: 129–135
lobe n. 圆形突出部,耳垂,裂片 lung n.[C] 1.肺 right adj. 1. [通常作表语] (指行为﹑ 行动等)正当,适当,合法,符合要求 2. 对的;正确的;准确的 3. 最切合实际的;最适宜的;最恰当的 4.(等于all right) 情况良好或 Right n. 右派 end lobe 【医】 枕叶 single lobe 单瓣 ear lobe...
from the common lingular bronchus. The other branch is the inferior lingular segmental bronchus. The superior lingular segmental bronchus passes anteriorly and slightly superiorly to provide an airway to the superior lingular bronchopulmonary segment (S4) of the sup...
Objective:To investigate the division method of pulmonary segments in superior lobe of the left lung in CT images.Methods:The MSCT images of 160 healthy males were reconstructed in a Volume Wizard Work Station.To investigate the division method of the superior lobe of the left lung,the branch ...
any court that has jurisdiction above an inferior court 临近词 superior lobe of left lung superiority superior foramen zygomatic superior ligament of incus superior zygomatic foramen superior intercostal veins superior border of patella superior temporal fenestra superior processing rubber superior superior ...
superior lobe of (right/left) lung superior lobe of rightleft lung Superior longitudinal fascicle superior longitudinal fasciculus superior longitudinal fasciculus superior longitudinal fasciculus superior longitudinal fasciculus superior longitudinal fasciculus ...
vein that drains the apicoposterior region of the superior lobe of the left lung. Synonym(s): vena apicoposterior [TA], apicoposterior branch of left superior pulmonary vein☆ , ramus apicoposterior venae pulmonalis sinistrae superioris☆ Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012Want...
superior ligament of malleus superior limbic keratoconjunctivitis superior lingular artery superior lingular bronchopulmonary segment S IV superior lobe of (right/left) lung superior longitudinal fasciculus superior longitudinal muscle of tongue superior macular arteriole superior macular venule superior margin of...
an unpaired dural venous sinus in the sagittal groove, beginning at the foramen caecum and terminating at the confluence of sinuses where it merges with the straight sinus; receives the superior cerebral veins and has lateral extensions, the lateral venous lacunae. ...
Affiliation 1. Department of Thoracic Surgery, Coruña University Hospital, Coruña, Spain Keywords: VATSlung canceranatomic segmentectomyLingulectomy Link to full article: Lung Surgery Superior segmentectomy left lower lobe (S6) Online: Jan 07, 20...