Twitter Google Share on Facebook su·pe·ri·or branch [TA] branch that is directed upward or cranially or is highly placed, usually in contrast to an inferior branch.Terminologia Anatomicalists superior branches (ramus superior/rami superiores) of the following: 1) right and left inferior pulm...
Structure and Function The superior colliculus (SC) is a layered structure, whereby the dorsal layers receive visual input and the intermediate and deep layers give rise to descending projections essential for the generation of an orienting response to an object of visual or auditory interest (Figure...
The Superior Colliculus and Visual Thalamus Chapter © 2022 The Superior Colliculus and Visual Thalamus Chapter © 2016 Neurons, Connections, and Microcircuits of the Inferior Colliculus Chapter © 2018 Further reading Schiller PH (1984): The superior colliculus and visual function. In: Handbo...
In terms of output or efferents, both superior colliculi have axonal projections into various subcortical structures, such as the, reticular formation, spinal cord, lateral geniculate nucleus, and pulvinar of the thalamus. The pulvinar is regarded as a center of image interpretation that helps the ...
An inferior-superior colliculus circuit controls auditory cue-directed visual spatial attentionFei HuYang Dan
Contribution of striate cortex and the superior colliculus to visual function in area MT, the superior temporal polysensory area and inferior temporal cortex We studied the visual responses of single neurons in three extra-striate visual areas of the macaque following lesions of striate cortex, lesion...
In the guinea-pig two subcortical structures have been shown to contain representations of auditory space, the deep layers of the superior colliculus (SC) and the external nucleus of the inferior colliculus (ICX). The following investigation was undertaken to determine if the ICX influences the dev...
The largest targets of retinal input in mammals are the dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus (dLGN), a relay to the primary visual cortex (V1), and the superior colliculus. V1 innervates and influences the superior colliculus. Here, we find that, in turn, s
Spatial properties of supe- rior colliculus cells projecting to the inferior pulvinar and parabigeminal nucleus of the monkey, Brain Res 222: 150 -154, 1981.Marrocco RT , McClurkin JW , Young RA ( 1981 ) Spatial properties of superior colliculus cells projecting to the inferior pulvinar and ...
The cortex modulates activity in superior colliculus via a direct projection. What is largely unknown is whether (and if so how) the superior colliculus modulates activity in the cortex. Here, we investigate this issue and show that optogenetic activatio