Officials at the Santa Clara County Superior Court are warning residents to be aware of an increase in reported phone scams involving claims about jury service.
Public access to court records in Downtown Superior Court, Santa Clara County Superior Court, California. Lookup court cases for free, search case summary, find docket information, obtain court documents, track case status, and get alerts when new lawsui
Seipel, Tracy
The Court serves the citizenry of San Luis Obispo County at three locations - San Luis Obispo, Paso Robles, and Grover Beach. 2023 Judicial Assignments Learn more Integrating services for self-represented litigants into the court Superior Court of California, County of Santa Clara Humboldt, I...
The Los Angeles Superior Court has an annual budget of almost $1 billion dollars, nearly 5,000 employees, and handles tens of millions of customers each year involved in litigation. Compared to 2021, Family law cases in 2022 in Los Angeles Superior Court are on a downward trajectory, with ...
in Santa ClaraCounty Superior Courthasrevealed that the person who sent an email death threat [...] 聖他克拉縣高等法院日前公開一份文件,當中披露了加州參議員余胤良早前接獲死亡恐嚇的更多細節,涉嫌發出死亡恐嚇的男子,形容自己是一名 ”受訓海軍陸戰隊狙擊手”,在”阿富汗證實曾殺害39...
U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California, as a Judge Pro Tempore for the Santa Clara County Superior Court and as a teacher at Stanford Law School. 柯先生並曾服務於美國北加州地方法 院 ,並 任職於Santa Clara郡高等法院,亦曾 任教於史丹佛大 學 法律學 院。 umc...
Officials at the Santa Clara County Superior Court are warning residents to be aware of an increase in reported phone scams involving claims about jury service. The Superior Court said in a press release Wednesday that scammers are using sophisticated tactics, including send...
Field Set for Three Santa Clara County Superior Court RacesKaplan, Tracey
William SternJournal of the Antitrust & Unfair Competition Law