CALIFORNIA PHYSICIANS' SERVICE DBA BLUE SHIELD et al San Francisco County Superior Courts | San Francisco County Civic Center Courthouse | Commercial and Trade - Insurance | 06/09/2011 DOCKET 07/06/2012 DISMISSAL OF ENTIRE ACTION OF ALL PARTIES AND ALL CAUSES OF ACTION WITH PREJUDICE ... The Superior Court of Orange County in Orange, CA is a judicial institution that serves the community by overseeing legal matters and resolving disputes within its jurisdiction. With a focus on upholding justice and ensuring fair outcomes, the court provides a platform fo...
California is now in its 11th year of mandatory child custody mediation, with a current yearly case volume statewide estimated at 65,494. This article profiles the variations in programs and mediation styles in 56 of the state's 58 Superior Courts. Two research studies provide the basis for ...
As noted by the Association, California courts have generally recognized that auxiliary organizations are not part of the state body they aid or assist. (See Coppernoll v. Board of Directors (1983)138 Cal. App. 3d 915, 918 [188 Cal. Rptr. 394]; Wanee v. Board of Directors (1976)56 ...
(ii) DFH and You agree that the sole and exclusive venue and jurisdiction for any and all disputes arising from or related to these Terms of Sale shall be in the courts located in the Province of Ontario, and DFH and You hereby submit to the jurisdiction of such courts; provided, ...
2008 Changed the Scenery of Mediation in Southern California Superior CourtsElizabeth Moreno
This article discusses the financial crisis, a funding reduction of 652 million dollars, in California courts leading to budget cuts in Los Angeles Supreme Courts' services including closing of 56 courtrooms by June 30, 2012. Prior to this, court reporters were no longer provided for civil ...