To the fullest extent possible, the Evidentiary Materials filed in each Court shall be identical and shall be consistent with the procedural and evidentiary rules and requirements of each Court. (iv) If a party has not previously appeared in or attorned or does not wish to attorn to the ...
[...] of a different nature should not be confused; to conclude that jus cogens norms were superior to rules governing immunity would be to confuse substance with rules of procedure. 另一些委员赞同特别报告员的观点,认为不应混淆性质不同的规 范;强制性规范优于豁免的规则这...
[...]of a different nature should not be confused; to conclude that jus cogens normsweresuperiortorules governing immunity would be to confuse substance with rules of procedure. 另一些委员赞同特别报告员的观点,认为不应混淆性质不同的规 范;强制性规范优于...
Image credit: NASA. Pipeline Protesters May Use Necessity Defense, MN Court Rules:Climate Nexus has details: “Anti-pipeline activists awaiting trial for shutting off a pipeline will be allowed to use climate change as a key part of their defense, a Minnesota court ruledMonday. The Min...
Some might honestly disagree, believing that a nation with the ability to create as much of the world’s reserve currency out of thin air as it pleases doesn’t need to obey the rules of gravity and logic that apply to the rest of the world. These people seem to think that although al...
In accordance with the NSE Rule Book and Amendments to the Listing Rules, UBA observes closed periods, within which affected persons/corporates are restricted from trading on the shares of the Bank. There was no case of violation within the period under review. 12. Donations As a part of ...