Ma TP, Graybiel AM, Wurtz RH. 1991. Location of saccade- related neurons in the macaque superior colliculus. Exp Brain Res 85:21-35.Graybiel AM, Wurtz RH. 1991. Location of saccade-related neurons in the macaque superior colliculus. Exp Brain Res 85:21-35....
planned saccade which does not take place. ‘Build-up’ neurons, as a population, have the interesting property that the activity across the population appears to travel as a ‘hill’ across the colliculus towards the rostral pole, which represents the foveal location (Munoz and Wurtz, 1995b)...
On the day before recording, the animals were anesthetized to perform a craniotomy over the anterior superior colliculus. The craniotomies were :2 mm in diameter and centered at 2 mm lateral of midline and 0.5 mm anterior of the posterior suture. The brain surface was covered in 1.5% agarose...
superior colliculus; V1, primary visual cortex; V2, secondary visual cortex. Bottom: higher magnification of the region delineated by the white square in the top image. Scale bar 25 µm.bSchematic of the experimental arrangement. Extracellular recording and optogenetic...
Previous studies have indicated that the location of a large neural population in the Superior Colliculus (SC) motor map specifies the amplitude and direction of the saccadic eye-movement vector, while the saccade trajectory and velocity profile are encoded by the population firing rates. We recently...
cortex reveal this effect to be intrinsic to the superior colliculus (under a cortical gain effect). Our findings highlight the superior colliculus’ crucial involvement in encoding temporal frequency shifts, especially the change from static to dynamic vision modes....
superior colliculus superior conjunction superior court superior epigastric veins Superior figure superior general superior labial artery superior labial vein Superior Lake superior mesenteric artery superior ophthalmic vein superior planet superior pulmonary vein superior rectus superior rectus muscle superior skill...
It was found that the nature of the movements observed depended on the location of the stimulating electrode. Contralateral head and body movements resembling orienting and approach were obtained from sites in the intermediate and deep layers in rostral colliculus, the intermediate white layer and ...
The oculomotor system is well understood compared with other motor systems; however, we do not yet know the spatial details of sensory to motor transformations. This study addresses this issue by quantifying the spatial relationships between visual and motor responses in the superior colliculus (SC)...
At the level of thesuperior colliculus(Fig.5.16) is thered nucleus, a large round mass on each side, pinkish in colour in fresh sections. It is continuous with the crossed superior cerebellar peduncle; some fibres of the dentato-rubro-thalamic tract terminate in it, while others surround it...