Superconductivity in ultrathin NbSe2 layers. Phys. Rev. Lett. 28, 299–301 (1972). Article ADS Google Scholar Staley, N. E. et al. Electric field effect on superconductivity in atomically thin flakes of NbSe2. Phys. Rev. B 80, 184505 (2009). Article ADS Google Scholar Cao, Y. ...
Reversible modulation of superconductivity in thin-film NbSe2 via plasmon couplingIn recent years, lightwave has stood out as an ultrafast, non-contact control knob for developing compact superconducting circuitry. However, the modulation efficiency is limited by the low photoresponse of superconductors. ...
The strong Ising spin–orbit coupling in certain two-dimensional transition metal dichalcogenides can profoundly affect the superconducting state in few-layer samples. For example, in NbSe2, this effect combines with the reduced dimensionality to stabilize the superconducting state against magnetic fields ...
The basic quantities characterizing the superconducting behaviour of pure 2H-NbSe2 single crystals have been determined from specific heat measurements, performed between 0.3 and 10 K in magnetic fields up to 55 KG. When Ti impurities are added, changes are observed both in the superconducting ...
found that both CDW and supercon ductivity persist in the monolayer limit of NbSe2, thanks to the advances in fabrication of atomically thin two-dimensional (2D) materials. This sparks intense interests in exploration of the dimensionality effects on CDW, superconductivity, and their mutual ...
However, the properties perpendicular to the layers change significantly due to the large expansion of the layer spacings of the host lattice in the c-direction by a factor of about two. In particular, the superconducting anisotropy factor Γ increases from 3.3 in the parent compound 2H-NbSe2 ...
The strong Ising spin–orbit coupling in certain two-dimensional transition metal dichalcogenides can profoundly affect the superconducting state in few-layer samples. For example, in NbSe2, this effect combines with the reduced dimensionality to stabili
Onishi, S. et al. Selenium capped monolayer NbSe2 for two-dimensional super- conductivity studies. Phys. Status Solidi B 253, 2396-2399 (2016).J. F. Ding, X. Q. Xiang, Y. Q. Zhang, H. Liu, and X. G. Li, Two-dimensional superconductivity in stripe-ordered Lai.6-xNdo.4SrxCu04...
[61] studied the superconductivity of ultrathin Pb films grown on striped incommensurate (SIC) Pb layers on Si (111) substrates by MBE. It is found that the in-plane upper critical field of 6-ML Pb film exceeds 35.5 T at 2.8 K, which is far beyond the Pauli limit Bp (14.7 T). ...
Using the newly-developed solid ionic gating technique,we measure the electrical transport property of a thinflake NbSe2 superconductor(Tc=6.67 K)under continuous Li intercalation and electron doping.It is found that the charge-density-wave transition is suppressed,while at the same time a carrier ...