In particular, the generated axion strings are vortices around which the phase of the scalar field rotates by 2π. Axion strings are topologically stable because π1(U(1)PQ) = Z, and the U(1)PQ symmetry is re- stored in their core. The dynamics of axion strings is crucial for ...
This behaviour can be explained by the fact that antivortices (vortices) are created at the white (red) border of the Py layer as illustrated in Fig. 3(b,c). Indeed, incoming vortices first annihilate with antivortices before moving further into the area covered by the magnetic layer (...
Thus, the minimum at f = 0 is explained by the lack of vortices in the array at zero magnetic field. On the other hand, the minima f = 1 and f = 3 correspond to cases where the number of vortices per unit cell is an integer (equal f). In the cases of f being ...
ArticleCASGoogle Scholar Place APM, Rodgers LVH, Mundada P, Smitham BM, Fitzpatrick M, Leng Z, Premkumar A, Bryon J, Vrajitoarea A, Sussman S, Cheng G, Madhavan T, Babla HK, Le XH, Gang Y, Jäck B, Gyenis A, Yao N, Cava RJ, de Leon NP, Houck AA (2021) New material pl...
In the case when the number of defects is of the order of the number of vortices one can expect that they will essentially suppress the magnetic response of the sample and reduce the upper critical field H c3 . If the number of defects is larger than the number of vortices and the ...
The critical fields in the staircase are all\ncalculated analytically and depend only on the connectivity of the ladder and\nthe area of the elementary plaquette. In particular the normal square ladder\ncontains no vortices at all until the flux per plaquette reaches 0.5/sqrt{3}\nflux quanta....
Understanding the physics of vortices in these complex materials and controlling of the atomic structure of defects have made it possible to design their performance and achieve exceptional values of superconducting properties which enable their integration into devices. In order to improve performance and...
Nowadays, the main approach to increase Jc is the introduction of nanoscaled defects (artificial pinning centres) in the YBCO matrix to immobilize magnetic vortices8,9,10,11,12,13. The total pinning force, Fp=Jc×B, is enhanced by an increased number of elementary pinning sites of optimised ...
While on one hand dissipation free current transport is intrinsically limited by the depairing current density,Jd, beyond which Cooper pair condensation is energetically not favourable, in real systems the dissipation free, critical current density,Jcis smaller due to the motion of magnetic vortices. ... OPEN Effects of Te‑ and Fe‑doping on the superconducting properties in F eySe1−xTex thin films Yalin Zhang1,2, Tong Wang3, Zhihe Wang1,4* & Zhongwen Xing1,5* High quality FeySe1−xTex epitaxial thin films have been...