By definition, a supercomputer is a computer with a high level of performance in comparison to general-purpose computers like our laptops or desktops. They typically are used to perform extremely workload-intensive tasks that are required by specialised fields of science and engineering, such as qu...
There are some doubts about the definition of exaflops, whether it means RPeak or RMax, in the former case whether it includes accelerator cores, and in the latter case measured by which benchmark and finally using what operand length. Here the term is used as RMaxHPL, using 64-bit floati...
41]. Both properties are sometimes conflated with acausality, and ill-posedness of the Cauchy–Kovalevskaya problem (for examples of well-posed Poincaré gauge theories, see e.g. [42]). While systems might exist in which these are all mutually implicated pathologies, it ...
Similarly, we will not try to relate 'strong coupling' here with a scale, or with the running of couplings, which naturally mediate this and similar effects in the power- ful framework of low-energy effective theories. Most of the examples referenced in the previous section are ultimately ...