The Ultimate Supercharged Corvette C8 Stingray upgrade delivers 708 bhp and 638 lb-ft of torque. The Best C8 Corvette Upgrades.
“380PS accounted for less than 2% of XE and XF sales in the UK. Coupled with impending changes to emissions regulations, it makes sense from a business perspective to remove these variants from sale in the UK and Europe.” Although not name-checked directly by JLR, this is all to do w...
1964年推出的426 HEMI因为它那巨大的尺寸和惊人的功率,而被人们昵称为"巨象"。而这款全新的莫帕巨象绝对是一款你值得拥有的产品,它也是第一个可以发出1,000马力的OEM箱式发动机。通过大排量和改进的增压器以及高效转子,这款发动机完美地实现了这一目标。不仅如此,它还配有全铝块的设计,可以减轻重量,它的包装还配...