superchilling 英['su:pətʃɪlɪŋ] 美['supətʃɪlɪŋ] 释义 过冷
In super-chilling preservation, the ice crystals formed within the foods provide the desired cooling to maintain the temperature balance and enhance the mechanical properties of the tissues. However, the ice crystals also influence the quality and structure of the preserved foods. They are affected m...
Super-chilling (-0.7 ℃) with high-CO2 packaging inhibits biochemical changes of microbial origin in catfish (Clarias gariepinus) muscle during storage[J]. Food Chemistry, 2016, 206(1): 186-190Zhu Y C, Ma L Z, Xiong Y L. Super-chilling (-0.7 ℃) with high-CO2 packaging inhibits ...
Superchilling is a concept where the temperature is reduced 1-2 °C below the initial freezing point of the product. This results in a so-called ‘shell freezing’, where a thin layer of ice is produced on the product surface during processing. The small amount of ice formed within the ...
Superchilling, ice fraction and quality Astrid M. Stevik1, Anne K. T. Hemmingsen1, Anne S. Duun2, Harald T. Walnum1..
Superchilling is a concept where the temperature is reduced 1-2 °C below the initial freezing point of the product. This results in a so-called 'shell freezing', where a thin layer of ice is produced on the product surface during processing. The small amount of ice formed within ...
Quality deterioration induced by microbial community in Litopenaeus vannamei during superchilling storage were demonstrated in this study. In this study, 6 microorganisms were identified as the biomarkers by 16S rDNA sequencing and 71 differential metabolites were identified by untargeted metabolomics. The ...
active coating; Chinese sea bass; superchilling; eugenol; modified atmosphere packaging1. Introduction Chinese sea bass (Lateolabrax maculatus) is an important economic aquaculture fish and is widely distributed in China. In the last several years, the annual output of sea bass culture has reached ...
🌲🏕⛰️ CHILLING秋林帐篷度假营地自开营以来,95%的顾客都来自深圳。这种精准的客户定位,或许源自于营地的创始人兼设计师与每一位深圳朋友的感同身受。他们同样生活在深圳这座快节奏的城市,体验着二倍速的社交和效率。正因为对深圳人的理解和独特的审美,秋林营地被精心设计,旨在为每一位客人带来心灵的宁静。
悠闲的chilling day 今天下午突然心血来潮,想出去逛逛附近的展览或者博物馆。结果发现大多数地方都需要提前购票预约,真是让人头疼。不过,幸运的是,距离我家不到1公里的大钟寺古钟博物馆,居然可以直接walk in,简直是懒人的福音!而且我住在这儿这么久,还真没好好了解过它的历史,正好趁这个机会补补课。