Only specifying the event ID is not granular enough; random Windows applications can specify their own event ID so if we want to target just the process creation event logs for sysmon (which is what we're looking for with Event ID 1) then we need to be more specific about which event ...
Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; U; Android; en-us) AppleWebKit/999+ (KHTML, like Gecko) Safari/999.9 Limitations /proc, CID and system (build) properties cannot be restricted for Android (serial number, IMEI, MAC address, etc), because restricting these will result in bootloops ...
M. Lee. Deeply-recursive convolu- tional network for image super-resolution. IEEE Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2016. [25] D. Kingma and J. Ba. Adam: A method for stochastic opti- mization. International Conference On Learning Represen- tations (ICLR), 2015. [26] C...
Ummmm... yes. Your computer must be shaped weird, because all keyboards are the same here. lol No offense, but people who make such good quality videos have WAAAAAAY too much free time. I couldn't make a YouTube Poop like that if I was given a month! And lol, that poop wasn'...
9 We hypothesised that increased lOP in POAG might be caused by an abnormality of the parasympathetic innervation of the longtitudinal fibres of the ciliary muscle. To test this hypothesis we investigated choliner gic supersensitivity of the iris in untreated POAG versus a control group to ...
where r = (u 2 + v 2)1/2, and J 1 is the first order Bessel function.The PSFarray of the synthetic aperture system is the square of the modulus of the amplitude diffusion function, and it is expressed by (5) PSFarray(u,v)=PSFsub(u,v)⎡⎣N+2N(N−1)/2∑n=1cos[2π...
Video super-resolution with convolu- tional neural networks. IEEE Transactions on Computa- tional Imaging, 2(2):109–122, June 2016. [20] Jiwon Kim, Jung Kwon Lee, and Kyoung Mu Lee. Accurate image super-resolution using very deep convolutional net- works. In CVPR, ...
Sovetter Odağı; Kirghiz: СоветтерСоюзу, Sovetter Soyuzu; Latvian: Padomju Savienība; Lithuanian: Tarybų Sąjunga; Moldavian: УниуняСоветикэ, Uniunea Sovietică; Russian: СоветскийСоюз, Sovetskiy Soyuz; Tajik: ИттиҳодиШ...
3. Methodology The objective of the proposed resLF network is to re- construct a super-resolution (SR) LF image Lsr(x, y, u, v) from a low-resolution (LR) image Llr(x, y, u, v), where (x, y) is in the spatial domain and (u, v) is in the angular do-...