Both notched wins in delegate-rich states like California, Texas, Virginia and North Carolina, the largest prizes out of the 16 states and one U.S. territory reporting results on Super Tuesday.Exit pollsshowed Trump leading former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley among broad segments of the GOP el...
Super Tuesday 2024: Live results and analysis from 538.ABC News Photo IllustrationBy538 Staff Last Updated: March 6, 2024, 5:58 AM CSTMarch 5 was Super Tuesday — the biggest election day of the year until the one in November! With former Presi...
Massachusetts, the United States, on March 5, 2024. U.S. President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump swept to victory in their respective party's presidential primaries on "Super Tuesday" when over a dozen states held primary elections, increasing the likelihood...
Fifteen states, including populous California and Texas, and the US territory of American Samoa, held primary elections on Tuesday. Iowa Democrats released the results of their presidential caucus earlier this day. Despite se...
Fifteen states, including California, Massachusetts, North Carolina, and Texas, as well as the U.S. territory of American Samoa, are scheduled to hold primary elections on "Super Tuesday" while Iowa Democrats will release the results of their presidential caucus on the same day. ...
Republican Donald Trump and Democrat Hillary Clinton were the big winners in Super Tuesday's slate of elections, with each triumphing in seven states and moving closer to their party's respective presidential nomination. Clinton's performance on the Democratic side suggest she's refined her message...
Mar 5, 2024 Which Super Tuesday states have "uncommitted" on the ballot? The method of voting "uncommitted" was used in Michigan to protest President Biden's response to the war in Gaza. Mar 5, 2024 Where things stand for Biden, Trump on Super Tuesday Voters in more than a doze...
Five states held primaries and two held caucuses and the day was eventually nicknamed Mini-Tuesday or Super Tuesday I by pundits. The traditional March Super Tuesday date, March 2, was christened Super Tuesday II, or just "Super Tuesday." The results of Mini-Tuesday had far-reaching ...
1,383 Dem delegates will be up for grabs in 16 states and territories Pledged delegates won, by candidate in each state on Super Tuesday CA TX NC VA MA CO MN TN Joe Biden 1365 delegates Uncommitted 12 delegates Updated Sept. 23, 2024, 1:06 a.m. GMT+8 Live Results Delegates won so...
David Siders03/06/2024, 2:18am ET Donald Trump on Tuesday won the Republican presidential primary in Alaska, which, by virtue of its time zone, was the last of all states where polls closed. Alaska’s 29 delegates will be divided proportionally based on the final results. Updated May...