Super Stars, originally referred to as Starmen and alternatively referred to as Star Bonuses, Invincible Starmen, Invincibility Stars, Stars, or Star-Men, are recurring items in the Super Mario franchise, most notably the Super Mario series and the...
"Tilt to move the arms." "Use to move the arms." "OK! Now grab hold!" "Pull it in!" "Excellent. Let's return to the surface." "It won't budge." "I've seen things you wouldn't believe...but a huge diamond on the sea floor? That's new to me." "Ah! An opening..."...
Down tilt Crouching Kick (クラウチングキック) 11% Does a quick kick while crouching. Slightly disjointed hitbox but has a high amount of ending lag. This attack sends the opponent at a low trajectory, and can be used against opponents hanging on the edge or to gimp opponents recovering ...
The high contact angles and low tilt angles for the pattern transfer, layer-by-layer, and thio-ene reaction techniques result in self-cleaning and anti-smudge properties. In addition, all techniques demonstrate some repellence toward surfactant-containing liquids. The pattern transfer method performs...