Super Star Trek screenshots: One of the best-loved earliest computer games, Super Star Trek is a cult mainframe classic spacecraft simulation played by countless college students in mid to late 1970s. Celebrated for its emphasis on authentic-sounding spacecraft commands rather than reflexes, as we...
Super Star Trek is an adaptation of the Star Trek mainframe game from the 1970's and features similar gameplay. As captain of the Starship Enterprise, the player's mission is to destroy the Klingon battle force (usually consisting of around 17 battle...
An updated version of the classic "Basic Computer Games" book, with well-written examples in a variety of common programming languages - tvd-basic-computer-games/84_Super_Star_Trek/ at 8e59a0c4192a13dc66942cafcb9dd2a821f0ab00 · sffej/tvd-basic-
They have different Action Commands. Dream Team also introduces hammers as a form of gear, with a dedicated slot. After obtaining the hammers as a Key Item, Mario and Luigi each equip a Run-Down Hammer. The player can find, receive, or purchase new Hammers, like the Sap Hammer and ...
Speed Star Get a Perfect Bonus (finish the battle in one turn while not taking any damage in battle) in 500 battles or more. Mr. Excellent Perform 1,000 "Excellent!" action commands in battle. Spin Doctor Get three symbols matched on the Battle Spinner 50 times. Wiggler's Diary In...
Instead, after achieving immortality, Monkey just commands the gods to do his bidding (see section II here). He can grow 100,000 feet (30,480 m) tall (ch. 1, 6, 61, and 97). This skill is called the “Method of Modeling Heaven on Earth” (Fatian xiangdi, 法天像地), and it...
Superman commands Vixen to get GL to safety. The Man of Steel expects a routine tussle with Solomon. But this time it's different. The Savage from Slaughter Swamp is more powerful, less emoting. He returns the favor from Superman, smashing the legendary hero senseless. It is clear that ...
After the reception thatDestination MoonandRocketship X-Mgot at the box office it’s no big leap to see why there would follow a film likeFlight to Mars (1951)though 1951 and the rest of the 1950s decade wasn’t more jam packed with other films that forayed into space voyage. What ...
and commands an audience. Though you get the feeling others in Westeros laugh at Littlefinger behind his back, as I suspect those across the NFL do as the Cowboys blunder away season after season. VARYS — Mike Shanahan, Redskins: Not similar in stature but definitely in mind, Varys and ...
All of these commands can be put in a simple Python r2pipe script as follows: $ cat import sys import r2pipe r = r.cmd('aaa') r.cmd('e asm.emu=true') r.cmd('e asm.emustr=true') r.cmd('e asm.bits=32') r.cmd('e asm.arch=x86') r.cmd('e...