Clap clap clap your hands Clap clap clap your hands Clap clap clap your hands Clap your hands with me Let's count our toes How many toes on one foot How many toes on one foot How many toes on one foot Let's all count together ...
例如: Clap your hands. 拍手。 Shake your head. 摇头。 Touch your nose. 摸鼻子。 怎么做TPR? Step1:家长跟Super Simple Songs 学儿歌TPR动作; Step2:家长做TPR,带着孩子边唱边互动; Step3:日常运用TPR,把儿歌转换成亲子游戏。...
1、歌曲韵律感强,发音清晰,还有歌词和简单的动作指导,互动效果好。以亲子游戏为主要兴趣激发手段,充分利用原版英文视听资料,适合零基础的宝宝开始进行英语启蒙;2、重复听不厌烦,在Super Simple Songs里,采用了比较机智的方式:不同CD里面,会出现同一主题的不同儿歌,新鲜感有了,同时还能更好地理解儿歌内容。...
Super Simple Songs Three Lyrics and Actions 2. Hello Hello Hello, hello. (Wave one hand, then the other hand) Can you clap your hands? (Clap!) Hello, hello. (Wave!) Can you clap your hands? (Clap!) Can you stretch up high? (Stretch!) Can you touch your toes? (Bend down and ...
- Super Simple Songs Super Simple Songs [1~200含歌词] 116842 01:31 详情 评论 1 推荐 亲子0066.Hello Hello! - Super Simple Songs[00:00.000]Hello, hello. Can you clap your hands?[00:19.000]Hello, hello. Can you clap your hands?[00:25.000]Can you stretch up high? Can you touch ...
30、es.?Put your things away.Clean up, clean up.Everybody lets clean up.Clean up, clean up.Put your things away.(two times)8. If Youre HappyIf youre happy happy happy (Smile and put your index fingers on your cheeks.)clap your hands (Clap your hands.)If youre happy happy happy (...
Super Simple Songs One Lyrics and Actions 1. Knock Knock Hello Hello! (Hello!) [Wave with your right hand.] Hello! (Hello!) [Wave with your left hand.] Come in. [Motion to come inside.] Let’s sing. [Pretend you are singing into a microphone. ] Let’s play. [Run in place.]...
SuperSimpleSongsOneLyricsandActions Hello!(Hello!)[Wavewithyourrighthand.] Hello!(Hello!)[Wavewithyourlefthand.] Comein.[Motiontocomeinside.] Let’ssing.[Pretendyouaresingingintoamicrophone.] Let’splay.[Runinplace.] Hello!(Hello!)[Wavewithyourrighthand.] ...
之前Betty老师已经分享过2首Super simple songs里面的打招呼儿歌,今天将要分享第三首给大家,与之前有所不同的是这首加上了各种身体延展的动作,一起和宝宝跟则视频动起来吧~ Hello Hello! 歌词 Hello,hello. Can you clap your hands? Hello,hello.
clap your hands (Clap your hands.) If you’re happy happy happy (Smile and put your index fingers on your cheeks.) clap your hands (Clap your hands.) If you’re happy happy happy (Smile and put your index fingers on your cheeks.) clap your hands, clap your hands (Clap your hands...