ABCs Phonics Song R-Z (Super Simple Songs)是【自然拼读字母歌】一边唱歌一边学英语的第5集视频,该合集共计16集,视频收藏或关注UP主,及时了解更多相关视频内容。
快点击[儿歌-05.Halloween ABC Song Super Simple Songs_202031715416.mp3]打开它吧,保证是想要的。 你是不是还喜欢什么相关的东西,快和我说说~
ABC Song - Super Simple Songs是ABC的英语歌曲的第2集视频,该合集共计11集,视频收藏或关注UP主,及时了解更多相关视频内容。
super simple songs英语儿歌顺序介绍以下是Super Simple Songs的一些经典儿歌的顺序介绍: "The Wheels on the Bus" -这是一首经典的儿歌,讲述了公交车上的轮子在不停地转动的场景。 "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" -这是一首非常受欢迎的儿歌,描述了星星闪烁的美丽场景。 "Bingo" -这是一首轻松愉快的歌曲,歌词...
My Happy Song | featuring Noodle & Pals Halloween ABC Song Pop The Bubbles This Is The Way We Trick Or Treat | featuring The Super Simple Puppets Knock Knock, Trick Or Treat? | featuring The Super Simple Puppets 10 Monsters In The Bed I Love The Mountains Line Up! Here Is...
Kidstv 123 Super simple songs DVD 1 1.five little ducks 2.ten little numbers 3.ABC seven steps song 4.ABC song in the clouds 5.ABC song in the sea 6.ABC song with the alphabubblies 7.ABC song 8.alphabet song with the alphabubblies 9.the alphabubblies jumping ABC song the ...
Super Simple Songs - The Alphabet Song + More | ABC Songs & Nursery Rhymes
Super Simple Songs ABC QuackX * Videos may display advertisements. See where you can watch Super Simple ad-free. 🐥 Practice the letters of the alphabet and quack along with the ducks that pop up along the way! This super fun activity song is sure to have everyone laughing. Gestures &...
1、ABC Kids - Tracing & Phonics ABC Kids是一款专为3-6岁儿童设计的学习应用程序。它结合了字母追踪、发音和词汇学习,通过有趣的游戏和互动界面,帮助孩子学习英语字母、单词和基本的拼读技巧。2、Super Simple Songs Super Simple Songs是一款备受欢迎的儿童歌曲APP。它收录了一系列简单、易学的英文儿歌,如《...