Paul Mitchell Super Sculpt Quick Drying Styling Glaze 备案编号: 所属品牌:暂无品牌 参考价格:暂无参考价格 查看全部参数>>> 想用0 成分表(共16种成分) Paul Mitchell Super Sculpt Quick Drying Styling Glaze成分表来自备案信息 低风险8种中风险7种高风险1种...
Add fullness, texture and shine to hair with Super Clean Spray, a lightweight hairspray with flexible hold. Shop authentic Paul Mitchell products here.
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Paul Mitchell Super Sculpt Glaze成分表安全分析解读,Paul Mitchell Super Sculpt Glaze共16个成分、7个风险成分、5个功效成分,孕妇慎用成分5个,Paul Mitchell Super Sculpt Glaze怎么样及用户评价信息
Add fullness, texture and shine to hair with Super Clean Spray, a lightweight hairspray with flexible hold. Shop authentic Paul Mitchell products here.