说到冰棒,除了“popsicle”和“ice lolly”,还有一个有趣的表达是“lolly”,它原本是棒棒糖的意思,但也可以用来形容冰棒。说到冰淇淋,不得不提它的蛋筒。英文里叫“cone”,如果是华夫饼脆筒,那就是“waffle cone”。挖冰淇淋球的勺子叫“scooper”,而冰淇淋本身则可以用“a scoop of ice cream”来表示。形容雪...
Super Duper Mobile ScoopersIce-cream vans have had an upgrade - and the new model is morelikely to serve sea-salt flavour...By WilliamsHolly
Teams Link Welcome to the Scooper Bowl! That Big Game is coming up Sunday, and while it’s known as the biggest day in advertising, the PR implications are vast as well. Now there are teaser campaigns to drum up interest, influencer partnerships, social campaigns to keep hype stoked long ...
Super rich and creamy ice cream served at the perfect temperature. After numerous trips to the Sarasota area, this was our first experience with Tyler’s. It is my favorite find!!! Tried multiple flavors and all were excellent. Date of visit: December 2019 Value Service Food...
Is it possible to make the batter and then chill over nite and then use a a cookie scooper to make them the next day? And last, do they freeze well? Thanks so much. Looking forward to your answers!!! Stephanie @ Pretty.Simple.Sweet. says June 22, 2023 at 5:24 pm Hi Kathy, th...
翻看相册,发现自己在西雅图吃了好多冰淇淋🍦。其中,最让我心动的绝对是华盛顿州本土的Molly Moon's Homemade Ice Cream。📍 地址:University Village shopping center, 2615 NE 46th St, Seattle, WA 98105这家店我简直要称之为华盛顿州的冰淇淋之光!喜欢到甚至去官网搜有没有实习机会,结果只有scooper intern...
可可安Super Scooper Ice Cream,携程攻略社区! 收集携程游友对可可安Super Scooper Ice Cream餐馆的各种评价、印象、点评,包含Super Scooper Ice Cream特色菜推荐、电话、地址、菜单、人均消费、营业时间等信息。要旅行,从携程攻略开始。