超效率 DEA 模型与 super-sbm 模型在分析方法和特性上有所不同。首先,DEA 是通过线性规划和距离函数构建的效率分析工具,而 super-sbm 则是结合了超效率概念和SBM(Stochastic Block Model)的创新。DEA模型包含多种变体,如CCR和BCC,而超效率SBM则是DEA模型的一个分支。在效率评估上,超效率DEA模型...
关键词: 绿色创新; 效率评价; Super-SBM 模型; Malmquist-Luenberger 指数; 非期望产出中图分类号: F 205 文献标识码: A文章编号: 1672-7312( 2021) 05-0510 -09Evaluation of Green Innovation Efficiency atProvincial Level in China———Based on Super-SBM model and ML indexCHEN Qing,LIN Shanshan( ...
基于Super-SBM模型的区域低碳效率评估与空间分异——以四川省为例 Regional Low-Carbon Efficiency Evaluation and Spatial Differentiation Based on the Super-SBM Model:A Case Study of Sichuan Province 作者: 何沙[1];李乔楚[1]作者机构: [1]西南石油大学经济管理学院,四川成都610500 出版物刊名: 生态经济 ...
(4)most enterprises attachimportance to technolo百cal innovation,but technological progress has not become the main source to impmve financing effi—ciency yet.Key words: high—end equipment manufacturing;listedcompanies; efficiency of financing; super—SBM model;Malquist model;trajectory高端装备制造业是...
sbm柔性模型entropysuper绩效 先进制造系统管理运作现代制造工程(ModernManufacturingEngineering)2014年第7期基于信息熵及超效率SBM模型的柔性制造系统绩效评价倡张浩1,2,3,杨佳妮3,苏翔1,3(1镇江市金舟软件有限责任公司,镇江212003;2南京航空航天大学经济与管理学院,南京210016;3江苏科技大学经济管理学院,镇江212003)摘要...
As China strives to balance rapid urbanization with environmental conservation, increasing attention is being paid to the pursuit of green production efficiency (GPE) in the real estate industry. The undesirable super-SBM model was used to calculate the
With the proposed model, we can identify the efficiency of the inefficient DMUs as the SBM model and the super-efficiency of the efficient DMUs as the Super-SBM model at one stage. Results show that our model is faster than that of Tran et al. Our computation time is about only two-...