Goku was the first to achieve the Super Saiyan transformation in the Dragon Ball series after Krillin's death by Frieza. This form debuted on March 19, 1991, in the Dragon Ball manga's chapter 317 and in Dragon Ball Z episode 95 in June 1991. A Super Saiyan's power level multiplies te...
Was he supposed to be weaker than Vegito super saiyan blue kaioken or was he supposed to be weaker? Some fans claims he was weaker, that wasnt what I got from the battle but perhaps it's portrayed differently in the manga. Are Vegito super saiyan blue kaioken and Canba base for...
Beerus shocked but also announced it would not make any difference with the Super Saiyan Blue Kaiokenx 10! Weaknesses: He doesn’t think fighting is an enjoyable one because he has an immense advantage, so he usually lets his rivals, as he did with Frieza, use their maximum strength. Besid...
Super World Lord FistChō Kaio-kenSuper Saiyan KaiokenSuper Kaioken[1]Debut Anime: "Goku vs. Pikkon"Game: Dragon Ball Z: Dokkan Battle Inventor Goku Users GokuXeno Vegito[2][3] Color & Class Power Up Similar Techniques Super Saiyan Blue Kaio-kenSuper Saiyan 4 Kaio-kenSuper Saiyan Third ...
Anyway, there's no way to know for the manga. We have pre-ToP blue fusion rivalling pre-retcon Beerus, and post ToP beating that same level power, so ToP fusion should fall in between, being probably an even match for Jiren and UI. The anime implied where MZ stood and Vegito Blue wa...
Why Goku and Vegeta didnt use Super Saiyan Blue Kaioken and Super Saiyan Blue Evolution to defeat Broly? 0 Does Ultra Instinct have a larger multiplier than Potara fusion? 0 Does the Galactic Patrol Prisoner Saga where Moro appears take place after or before the Dragon Ball Super ...
https://vsbattles.fandom.com/wiki/Son_Goku_(DBS_Manga)#Super_Saiyan_Blue vs https://vsbattles.fandom.com/wiki/Son_Goku_(Dragon_Ball_GT)#Super_Saiyan_4 Goku full powa ssj4 used Goku ssb used (friza sage) Speed equal and both are 3-A Goku: (gt) Baboon: Monkey: Braking Thread Dec...
In the dragon ball super manga it was shown that Trunks was almost as strong as ssj3 Goku. Trunks wasn't even able to beat base Black Goku, but he d
level higher than standard Super Saiyan Blue. At first, we thought this would be equivalent to Goku's SSB Kaioken x20. But, characters commented that Vegeta had broken through his shell just as Goku had earlier against Jiren. So, arguably, this is Vegeta's equivalent to Goku's Ultra ...