Of the 144254 characters on Anime Characters Database, 5 are from the video game Super Robot Wars J.
超级机器人大战百科,收录超级机器人大战(Super Robot Wars)系列的各种资料和内容。超级机器人大战:X,超级机器人大战:V
Super Robot Wars began on the Gameboy with a story about good vs. evil battling with mecha. In this first SRW, you control the robots themselves (human piloted or not) and in the end you fight the last boss who created this disaster. Beginning with Super Robot Wars 2, you no longer...
机器人大战- J 汉化版(スーパーロボット大戦J / Super Robot Wars J)是GBA上的最后一款机战游戏,画面上有了很大的进步。剧情故事也非常有新意,整体上说更适合新上手的玩家。 故事背景: 宇宙时代,人类的生活圈超越了地球周边宙域并拓展到火星一带。可是包括地球环境恶化等,好几个人类从以前就存在的问题至今也...
Super Robot Wars 30 - Season Pass (English/Japanese Ver.) Sign In to Rate Global player ratings 4.36Average rating 4.36 stars out of 5 stars from 724 ratings 724 ratings 68% 9% 19% 1% 4% Game and Legal Info *This content is also included in the Digital Deluxe Edition, which in...
超级机器人大战 J(Super Robot Wars J)-成套2d素材(国外) 搜索 136张 1481434 压缩包 (136张,22.3M) 浏览压缩包 7人收藏 评论 分享 投诉 2000年后(PSP,GBA,DS) : 任天堂 Game Boy Advance(GBA) 敌人 21884847 杂项 21884965 特派团 21884983 机器人 21885372 确定 取消 下载类型 免费...
飞燕草(Delphinium),Tekkaman 邪恶(Tekkaman Evil),Tuana de 萦绕(Tuana de-Danaan),CGUE,Tekkaman 匕首(Tekkaman Dagger),GINN,欲望(Desire),死亡军队(Death Army),Dimage,Garada K-7,Batta_Air_(Batta _Air_),Batta_地面_(Batta _Gr
超级机器人大战j隐藏要素(Super Robot Wars J hidden elements).doc,超级机器人大战j隐藏要素(Super Robot Wars J hidden elements) Pale meteor LAYZNER Kell, the protagonists predecessor Third words let English two say Kell Fourth words, so that the British
The scenarios from Super Robot Wars. In the HD remake, the scenarios are divided into 2 parts with the original as the first part. In the beginning, the player must select one team (all members having level 1) and the Hero. The Hero will be the game's pr