"Shadow Slasher" 和引力炮,后者在[[Dai 3 Ji Super Robot Taisen (SNES)|续作]]中成为 Granzon 的实际武器。这两种武器都使用黑洞集群的动画。这些武器可能是 Granzon 最终武器的降级版本,表明带有 ID {{hex|5D}} 的Granzon 在最后一场战斗之前以略微较弱的状态出现的可能性。 {| class="wikitable" style...
+ {| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center" + ! ID + | {{hex|9B}} + ! 精确 + | 120 + |- + ! 名称 + | グラビトロンカノン + ! 范围 + | 6 + |- + ! 威力 + |colspan="3"| 40 + |} + + "Shadow Slasher" 和引力炮,后者在[[Dai 3 Ji Super Robot Taisen (...
游戏名称: Dai-2-Ji - Super Robot Taisen 中文名: 第2次 - 超级机器人大战 中文别名: 第二次机器人大战 开发商:Winky Soft 发行商:Banpresto 游戏平台:NES 发行于日本: December 29,1991 本游戏有隐藏了与开发相关的文字. 本游戏有隐藏的调试功能. ...
Super Robot Taisen Z3 Jigoku-hen ~Genion All Attacks~ Super Robot Taisen Z3 Jigoku-hen ~Genion G.A.I. All Attacks~ 第3次スーパーロボット大戦Z 天獄篇 全武装 ジェニオン 1080p 60fps SRWZ3 天獄篇 ジェミニオン・レイ All Attacks...
The SRX, also known as the Super Robot X-Type, is a Banpresto Original Mecha from the SRW-exclusive series Chouki Taisen SRX, debuting in Neo Super Robot Wars. Part of the SRX Project, it is formed from the Variable Formation (a.k.a Only One Crash) of R-
Taisen series}} {{Super Robot Taisen series} 202410月1日 (二) 05:21的最新版本 第2次 - 超级机器人大战 游戏: Dai-2-Ji - Super Robot Taisen中文名:第2次 - 超级机器大战中文别名: 第二次机器人大战开发商 Winky Soft发行商: Banpresto游戏平台: NES发行于日本: 29,1991 本有隐藏...
Of the 144292 characters on Anime Characters Database, 5 are from the video game 3rd Super Robot Wars.
The Galilnagant (ガリルナガン) also know as Code Evil is a fictional robot in the Super Robot Taisen series. It appears as an enemy mecha in 2nd Super Robot Taisen Original Generation and a playable mecha in Masou Kishin F: Coffin of the End & Super Robot Taisen OG The Moon Dwellers....
Of the 144041 characters on Anime Characters Database, 11 are from the video game Super Robot Wars F.
In the amazing Super Robot Taisen - Original Generation the great Dr. Bian Zoldark discovers that the creators of this new tech are coming to Earth to invade and so they use it to create intense robots to defend the planet from these attackers! If you enjoyed this epically cool and fun...