face image super-resolutionstatistical inference-based approachessubset of color FERET databaseSummary This chapter contains sections titled: Introduction Statistical Inference-Based Approaches Subspace-Based Approaches Experimental Results Conclusion Referencesdoi:10.1002/9780470522356.ch12...
盲超分/真实世界图像超分辨率(Blind/Real-world image SR) 超分辨率应用(Application of SR) 视频超分辨率(Video Super-Resolution) Paper总表链接:openaccess.thecvf.com/C 简单按照自己的理解做了超分辨率不同方向的划分,如有纰漏,欢迎大家评论区留言指正~ 印象去年CVPR任意尺度超分还出了不少工作,今年明显少了...
In the proposed method, sparse representation is used to reconstruct the super-resolution of face image. Moreover, the local texture of the reconstructed image is also used twice before and after reconstruction as constraints to obtain better details and make the reconstructed face image clearer. ...
1.AdaFormer: Efficient Transformer with Adaptive Token Sparsification for Image Super-resolution(Oral)(厦大 曲延云团队,字节,美国东北大学 et al.) Paper:AdaFormer: Efficient Transformer with Adaptive Token Sparsification for Image Super-resolution Code: ~ Abstract: 基于Transformer的高效模型在图像超分辨率(S...
Super-Resolution Reconstruction for Face Images Based on Particle Filters Method基于粒子滤波的人脸图像超分辨率重建方法 Super-Resolution (SR) reconstruction is posed as a Bayesian estimation of the location and appearance parameters of a face model. Image registration and im... HUANG Hua,FAN Xin,QI ...
Super-resolution reconstruction of face image is the problem of reconstructing a high resolution face image from one or more low resolution face images. Assuming that high and low resolution images share similar intrinsic geometries, various recent super-resolution methods reconstruct high resolution image...
Super-resolutionFace hallucinationSparse representationFace imageImage qualityDiscrete wavelet transformIncreasing the quality of low-resolution images, namely super-resolution, has recently received a lot of attention in the field of image processing. Super-resolution has various applications,......
In this paper, we break the limitation of applying manifold learning methods for face super-resolution by proposing a novel method using locality preserving projections (LPP). 展开 关键词: manifold learning methods super-resolution face image analysis locality preserving projections ...
However, super-resolution of facial images has received very little attention. Since different parts of a face may have different motions in normal videos, this paper proposes a new method for enhancing the resolution of low-resolution facial image by handling the facial image non-uniformly. We ...
Simulation experimental results show this method achieves the fact that the recognition performance under lowface image resolutionis almost the same as that under high one,and both recognition rate and efficiency are considered. 仿真实验结果表明,该方法能在人脸图像分辨率较低的情况下获得与高分辨率图像基本...