The Chaos Heart is a powerful artifact from Super Paper Mario. It appears as a large black heart-shaped object, similar to the Pure Hearts, constantly releasing near-invisible waves from itself. After Luigi stomps on it during the opening, the Chaos...
Mr. L, also known as The Green Thunder or The Mysterious Mr. L, is a brainwashed version of Luigi who appears in Super Paper Mario, serving as an acolyte of the evil Count Bleck. According to The InterNed, Mr. L's theme song is titled "Mr. L, Green...
ergeben sich ganz neue Perspektiven. Steuere Mario bei seinem Kampf gegen den fiesen Count Bleck, bevor dieser ein sogenanntes "Chaos Heart" erzeugen und das Ende der Welt herbeiführen kann. Unterwegs befreist du Luigi, Prinzessin Peach und Bowser und schlüpfst dabei auch...
但是已经太晚了,因为Bowser和Peach的结合,the Chaos Heart已经出现了。Count Bleck邪恶地笑,并带着Chaos Heart离开了这个场景。 与此同时,Mario被一只名叫Tippi的Pixl叫醒了,带到了一座位于Flipside的小镇(那里可以看到一个小黑洞,就是The Void,在空中)。在那里Mario遇到了Merlon。Merlon有一本与Count Bleck的书相对...
PreviewSuper Mario 3D Land It's all about perspective The last time we played Super Mario 3D Land, we came away confident that Nintendo was taking its mascot forward, as our preview explained. That was based on a four level demo but we've since played the game's opening two worlds, so...
The union of a pure maiden, Peach, and an "evil" being, Bowser, will create a Chaos Heart, which Bleck hopes to obtain the power of in order to have his malicious way. Overall, the story has a nice set of plot twists to keep you entertained, but it is a bit slow moving. The ...
Chaos Heart. Count Bleck sends his assistant, Nastasia, to hypnotize Princess Peach into going through with this. Count Bleck is successful and obtains the Chaos Heart. He then uses it to create a Void that will eventually grow large enough to vacuum in the whole universe. Mario then meets ...
Mario’s Film Folly: The True Story Behind Hollywood’s Biggest Gaming Blunderby Ben Reeves Interview: Rocky Morton On The Chaos Of Directing The Super Mario Bros. Movieby Jowi Meli
: Super Paper Mario Wedding Bowser's trophy in Brawl Wedding Bowser The great Koopa king in a sharp, white tuxedo. Bowser is forced into marriage with Princess Peach by Count Bleck, who plots to wipe out the universe with the Chaos Heart. Although it's all part of Count Bleck's plan,...
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