The meaning of SUPER PAC is a type of political action committee that is legally permitted to raise and spend larger amounts of money than the amounts allowed for a conventional PAC; specifically : an independent PAC that can accept unlimited contributio
Unlike traditional PACs, there are no limits to how much a Super PAC can fundraise from contributors, including corporations, individuals, unions, and others. In addition, while Super PACs disclose their contributors, contributors themselves can shield their identities, such as through the use of sh...
An inter-hospital PACS testbed called IMPACT (Inter-hospital Medical Picture Archiving and Communication system for Telemedicine) is constructed. The testbed app lies the Super High Definition (SHD) imaging system as a radiological image viewerand 6Mbps-135Mbps Asynchronous Transfer Mode ATM network ...
After the acquisition, DICOM sequences are send off from the scanner for HAMLET analysis (ca. 45 min), and the results are automatically stored into PACS (Picture Archiving and Communication System) together with the original data. The whole set is then transferred to the planning workstation....
But critics say the categories are so vague that almost anything could fit the definition. They worry that information that is embarrassing to governing politicians or to their patrons could easily be hidden from public view. They point to the way that Tokyo withheld news of the severity of the...