Frylock falls for a girl and like most men in love, begins acting insane. EP 9 Der Inflatable Fuhrer Frylock takes up some side work, and it's for the kids. EP 10 The Last Last One Forever and Ever A very special live-action episode of Aqua Teen Hunger Force featuring T-Pain, H....
One Super Tuesday winner: The crypto industry A network of crypto-affiliated super PACs spent big to back candidates who were on track to prevail. Jasper Goodman03/06/2024, 1:12am ET The cryptocurrency industry got its way on Super Tuesday. The biggest beneficiaries of spending from a well-...
In Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door, he accidentally bumps one of his partners, Blooey the Blooper, into a volcano while trying to stop evil, burning him to a golden crisp. His clumsiness is particularly emphasized in Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon, which director Bryce Holliday stated was ...
Steve Jobs was actually a good designer and CEO. This is a statement that would have been met with derision in 2010, with stories of a ‘reality distortion field’. We’re coming up on a decade in the post-Jobs era, and if there’s one thing the last seven or eight years can tell...
Fire Flowers, also known as Flame Flowers, are power-ups introduced in Super Mario Bros. They change the player character into their Fire form, allowing them to throw fireballs, which defeat enemies, melt Ice Blocks, and light up dark areas. The...
When I met supermodel Cindy Crawford, I was amazed that her skin was so perfectly smooth that she appeared not to have pores. She sits in one of the Hilton's best rooms and there are no light tricks used to make a photograph... was one of 11 brands to receive a D grade from the panel, its lowest score this year. "The ads just seemed a little all over the place," Rucker said. | A goldmine of local intel by on YouTube Worst: Squarespace This ad looked flashy and had a ...
Harris, Angela D
In addition to the 4000 Castellanae and four Praefecti, thousands of members of the Munus Indicius Romanus as well as 1 legion reside there. Given its incredibly high security, and location of importance, it has one secondary function. In the event that, God forbid, the capital itself mig...
Ancient Greece is one of the greatest civilizations in human history and it had an enormous impact on subsequent cultures that emerged after its fall. Ancient Greek civilization represents the beginning of philosophical, political, social, ethical, and scientific advances in society. Some of the most...