1️⃣ 增肌粉 (Mass Gainer) 特点:高卡路里,包含较高的碳水化合物,蛋白质和脂肪 适用人群:增重/增肌(体脂较高者不建议使用)2️⃣ 乳清蛋白粉 (Whey Protein) 特点:高蛋白含量(>75%),少量脂肪和乳糖,吸收快,价格较便宜 适用人群:减脂/蛋白质摄入不足者3️⃣ 分离乳清蛋白粉 (Whey Isolate) 特点...
增肌粉 Mass Gainer 🏋️♂️ 增肌粉是由麦芽糊精和乳清蛋白组成的复合补剂。麦芽糊精主要是以各种淀粉为原料,经过酶法工艺低程度控制水解转化提纯干燥而成。增肌粉中的蛋白质含量大约在25%左右,碳水化合物含量则高达55%及以上。每勺通常含有较高的卡路里,适合那些想要增肌增重的人。如果你属于偏瘦体质或者...
After bringing the nostalgic breakfast cereal experience to the premium ISO100 and blend-style Elite 100% Whey protein powders, the sports nutrition company is moving it into the mass gainer market. Super Mass Gainer is one of your more higher-calorie mass proteins, and in the Fruity Pebbles ...
Super gainer for muscle mass gain, weight gain, bodybuilding, immunity, energy, shaker for protein shake, gym shaker bottle, blender ball for easy mixing, multipurpose shaker Country of Origin India Additional Features Fast and slow acting protein, Whey super gainer, International grade whe...
Beginners far from their genetic ceiling can expect to build a lot of muscle mass, thanks to the effect of newbie gains. However, 30 pounds in six weeks is unrealistic. Regardless, you should train hard on all the Super Squat compound lifts and push till failure (or very close to it) ...
🏋️♂️ 增肌粉(Mass gainer) 增肌粉是由麦芽糊精和乳清蛋白粉组成的复合补剂。麦芽糊精是以各类淀粉为原料,经酶法工艺低程度控制水解转化、提纯干燥而成,主要提供纯能量和一些微量元素。增肌粉中的麦芽糊精含量高于蛋白粉,因此碳水化合物含量高于蛋白质,一般蛋白质含量仅在25%左右,而碳水化合物含量却高达...
4️⃣ BSN Syntha-6 Protein Powder 🍫 这款蛋白粉的口感非常丰富,有点像巧克力奶昔的味道。虽然价格稍微高一点,但如果你喜欢这种浓郁的口感,绝对值得一试。 5️⃣ Optimum Nutrition Serious Mass Gainer 🍗 如果你需要增肌,这款蛋白粉是个不错的选择。它不仅含有高质量的蛋白质,还含有碳水化合物和脂肪...
Mammoth, the brand behind the big and bright yellow mass gainer Mammoth Mass, is now competing in the meal replacement category. The company’s new product is appropriately named Mammoth Meal which according to Mammoth, has taken over two years of development to create. ...
2️⃣ 分离乳清蛋白粉(Whey isolate):蛋白质含量更高,通常在80%以上。乳糖不耐受的朋友也能享用,助你轻松增肌!💪 3️⃣ 酪蛋白粉(Casein):又称缓释蛋白粉,消化慢,饱腹感强。睡前食用,帮助身体慢慢吸收,恢复体力!🌙 4️⃣ 增肌粉(Mass gainer):由麦芽糊精和乳清蛋白组成。适合瘦弱或食欲不佳的...
🍪 Mass Gainer 增肌粉 增肌粉是乳清和碳水的混合补给,卡路里高,口感浓稠且甜。适合吃不胖或食物摄入不足的健身人士,价格便宜。 🌱 Soy Protein 大豆蛋白 大豆蛋白属于植物蛋白,大部分为不完全蛋白。和其他蛋白相比,蛋白成分较低,性价比不高,适合素食主义者。 🤔 迷思:动物蛋白(Whey)会长痘? 长痘与个人体...