Toad is a recurring character in the Super Mario franchise, a longtime protector of the Mushroom Kingdom, and a loyal and cheerful friend to much of the cast. Toad often plays the role of representing his species, be it as as a main character or a...
Birdo, also self-referred to once by the shorthand Birdie, is a recurring character in the Super Mario franchise. She is a prehistoric dinosaur, identified in some early sources as a bird, with a funnel-shaped mouth from which she can spit eggs. Her...
my banner is the best character in the entire extended marioverse Glowsquid Feb 5, 2024 Lmao, a friend pointed me to your edit about that one kickstarter trailer that had broque monsieur in it and, long story short, we now got the insider scoop on that
See more videos on our YouTube channel ScreenshotsMake Your Own! Newer DS was created using the New Super Mario Bros. Editor ("NSMBe"). To learn more about how to make your own New Super Mario Bros. levels, check out the community at The NSMB Hacking Domain, where you can find ...
】Yoimiya Banner is here! •Genshin Impact 0402:17 【】Huh? Sorrywhat was that? Didnt quite catch that what was that? Canyou... 0226:48 【】HIGHSTAKES HANDCAM CASINO • BLACKJACK 0117:59 【】DRAWING NOCTYX AS BEST AS I CAN...【ART】【NIJISANJI EN _ Mysta...
Ngl, I wish the posters we got in NA were the same, and didn't have the Super Mario 3D All-Stars banner on the bottom. EDIT: Then again, I do like the games' logos being bigger and centered at the top. 0 Reply 33 Doofenshmirtz Fri 16th Oct 2020 @HotGoomba well this...
s so close that I was able to solve some tricky puzzles — like a minigame in Melody Bay that has Mario jumping on the backs of tadpoles to compose a song — by referring back to ancient strategy guides on GameFAQs and YouTube. The first three hours are a nearly one-to-one ...
Super Mario Bros. Next Gen. I’m sick of shooting things in games. I played the demo for Bulletstorm and 5 years ago I would have been like, YES. But now I’m very much, NO. See, you can shoot people in their butts and get bonus points and launch them into the air and sodomize...
Name Provider / Domain Expiration Description clzcom_session 2 hours VISITOR_PRIVACY_METADATA YouTube 6 months This cookie is used to store the user's consent and privacy choices for their interaction with the site. It records data on the visitor's consent regarding variou...
In 2023, Smashboards became Prattboards, themed afterChris Prattfor his controversial starring role as Mario inThe Super Mario Bros. Movie. Users' avatars were replaced with photos of the actor. While a Chris Pratt-themed article was not written, an article in the "Smash Speculation Corner" se...