【超级玛利欧兄弟 惊奇】Super Mario Wonder 7.4万 148 20:56 App 【巧克力】巧克力直接道歉?这关怎么这么难!【三周目启动】真小跟班现身,佐久面临取代危机【星之卡比:探索发现】 8.5万 62 23:19 App 【巧克力】大大大放送~【秘密彩蛋关】卡比爽吃星星 伐木卡比...按到手痠!佐久的家是一根木头?【星之...
Super Mario react to Bowser vs Eggman Death Battle. || 虚岁希望被遗忘之人 3854 2 我是不会放弃马里奥惊奇的 taiyakithunder 1476 0 在马造2玩马里奥惊奇?[Mod] Ex-Toad-Captain 3628 1 【搬运/动画】当马里奥触摸到的一切都变成玻璃(原作者:Level UP) MLA铁粉开学号 1.8万 90 ...
There are 9 worlds and 153 levels in Super Mario Wonder. However, it should be noted that not all these worlds and levels are of equal length. Some of the levels are shorter badge challenges or bonus stages, and some worlds are definitely larger than others. However, there are enough full...
The Special World in Super Mario Wonder works like Star World did in Super Mario World. Seven of its ten levels are accessed separately by finding their corresponding warp in the world map. Some of these you’ll find naturally by exploring and clearing stages, but others require you to finis...
要说最近玩家们关注度最高的游戏,那肯定是任天堂刚发售的Switch新作《超级马力欧兄弟:惊奇》(Super Mario Bros Wonder)了。时隔多年之后我们终于迎来2D传统玩法的马力欧新作。早在8位机FC时代,横版过关游戏《超级马力欧兄弟》可谓无人不知无人不晓,几乎是这台主机的代名词。在当年的信息传播并不发达的环境下...
Beyond the Special World entrances, there’s one final(-final) stage to unlock in Super Mario Bros. Wonder: The Final-Final Test: Badge Marathon.To unlock this intense final challenge, you essentially need to 100% the game. More specifically, you need: ...
Platform games generally have multiple levels, which contain obstacles, enemies, items, and the like. Mario, Luigi, or another playable character must pass through levels to access more of them and ultimately complete the game. However, some levels...
Badges can make a huge difference in Super Mario Bros. Wonder, so it's important that you always choose the one that's going to benefit you the most.
1.4 Super Mario series 1.4.1 Super Mario 64 DS 1.4.2 New Super Luigi U / New Super Mario Bros. U Deluxe 1.4.3 Super Mario Bros. Wonder 1.4.4 Super Mario Run 1.5 Super Mario Stadium series 1.5.1 Mario Superstar Baseball 1.5.2 Mario Super Sluggers 1.6 Super Princess Peach 1.7 Mario...
超级马里奥兄弟:惊奇..今天《超级马里奥兄弟 惊奇》 Super Mario Bros. Wonder刚出来,yuzu柚子模拟器还没有适配,玩不了。目前只能用最新版的Ryujinx 1.1.1052模拟器游玩。但是这个是国际