Luigi is Mario's younger but taller twin brother, the secondary protagonist of the Super Mario franchise, and the main protagonist of the Luigi's Mansion series. Throughout his life, he has lived in Mario's shadow, developing both cowardly and...
Boos, originally known as "Boo" Diddlys and later Boo Buddies or simply Ghosts, are recurring ghost enemies that first appear in Super Mario Bros. 3. They are a type of white spherical ghost with menacing and normally open mouths. They are known for...
Super Mario is a 2022 computer-animated comedy and action film written and directed by Phil Lord and Christopher Miller based on the popular Super Mario videogame franchise. The movie follows Mario and Luigi, two plumber brothers that live in the Mushroom Kingdom, on an adventure to rescue Peac...
Since we're all fans of mustachioed plumbers around here, you might have heard there's a new Super Mario Bros. movie coming in 2023. No, not a live-action revival, but a CGI collaboration between Illumination Entertainment and Nintendo. The film has a title: The Super Mario Bros. Movie....
Information and media on all the Super Mario Bros titles on the Nintendo Wii including the groundbreaking Super Mario Galaxy and the massively popular Mario Kart Wii
Super Mario Bros.: Peach-hime Kyushutsu Dai Sakusen was an anime movie which was released in Japanese theatres in 1986...
< The Super Mario Bros. MovieSign in to edit [Film begins with the short version of the 2013 Universal Pictures logo, then the Illumination logo: Stuart the Minion is in a go-kart, preparing for a race, with a red lights on the letters "ILLUMINATION", then turns green, then white. ...
The 2025 “Superman” movie is just around the corner, and if you’re as excited as I am, you’re probably wondering, what stories should I read to get hyped? Well, I’ve got you covered. Let’s dive in![…] Comic Book News ...
‘The Super Mario Bros. Movie’ can only power up so far. Chris Pratt, Seth Rogen, Charlie Day and Jack Black are among the voice cast for a movie that will mostly only make younger viewers shout “wahoo!” In theaters now, ‘The Super Mario Bros. Movie’ brings the world of the Ni...
The Super Mario Bros. Movie: Directed by Aaron Horvath, Michael Jelenic, Pierre Leduc, Fabien Polack. With Kevin Michael Richardson, Jack Black, Khary Payton, Chris Pratt. A plumber named Mario travels through an underground labyrinth with his brother Lu